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Ted Jump

Moby ID: 116270

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Ted Jump's start in the game industry arrived after associating over-long with Amiga software developers in various cities, when he was brought in to help with the Fighter Duel project at Jaeger Software back in the early 90’s. He helped ship the PC version of the game in multiplayer/multilingual form; moved to console development with Retro Studios in the late 90’s to work on what would become Metroid Prime on the GameCube; through a slight diversion into the Dot Com world making electronic versions of the Australian National newspaper with NewStand, Inc; and then back into games with Ion Storm where he helped ship both Deus Ex: Invisible War and Thief: Deadly Shadows on both PC and Xbox.

He then had a stint doing Serious Games of various types for Breakaway Games Austin studio and completed a short tour with Electronic Arts' Mythic studio working on Warhammer Online.

In 2008 he is a Senior Programmer at Red Fly Studio.

Credited on 7 games

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Food Network: Cook or Be Cooked! (2009, Wii) Additional Programming
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (2009, Wii) Programmers
Mushroom Men: The Spore Wars (2008, Wii) Lead Core Technology
Thief: Deadly Shadows (2004, Xbox) Technology Group
Deus Ex: Invisible War (2003, Xbox) Technology Group
Fighter Duel (1995, DOS) Contributors
Fighter Duel Pro 2 (1994, Amiga) Contributors

[ full credits ]


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