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Warren Robinett

Moby ID: 114639

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Warren Robinett was the designer of the first graphical action-adventure game (Adventure) for the Atari 2600 Video Computer System (VCS). By the time it came out in 1979, he had already left the company.

Prior to working for Atari, Robinett had graduated from Rice University in 1974, majoring in "Computer Applications to Language and Art". He then went to work for Western Geophysical as a Fortran programmer. He joined Atari in 1977.

He became the chief software engineer as a co-founder of The Learning Company in 1980. There he created Rocky's Boots in 1982, one of the first successful educational games that taught Boolean logic using a puzzle game format. He has also worked on virtual reality projects for NASA and the University of North Carolina.

Credited on 10 games

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Glittermitten Grove (2016, Windows) Extra Special Thanks
Adventure 2600 Reboot (2009, Windows) Special Thanks
Think Quick! (1987, DOS) Programmers
Rocky's Boots (1984, Commodore 64) By
Gertrude's Secrets (1984, DOS) Authors
Gertrude's Puzzles (1984, DOS) Authors
Racing Pak (1982, Atari 2600) Slot Racers by
Adventure (1980, Atari 2600) Created by
Back to School Pak (1978, Atari 2600) Basic Programming programmer
Slot Racers (1978, Atari 2600) Programmed by

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