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Shawn Ketcherside

Moby ID: 106449

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Let's see... Well, I spent my formative years in a small town in Indiana... And in case you are wondering, it was about as bad as it sounds... At anyrate, I spent most, if not all, of these years immersed in all things geeky - games most of all. I remember those times well, the 8-bit Nintendo ruled my world, and I was master of all things that scrolled sideways.

I guess I owe my career to the fact that my need for new games so outstripped my ability to pay for new games, that I was left with with little choice - I had to make them myself.

In college I accidently took the most round about path into the industry that I could. A little tired of coding at that time, I decided to major in something completely useless - film... Of course, like any good college student, I soon changed to something equally as useless, and ended up with a degree in Psychology. After college, I was struck with the horrible realization that I needed a job, as I was toiling away at everything from marketing gigs to database programming, I realized where I belonged. So I focused, dusted off the C++ coding skills, and went to work, eventually landing here at Ritual.

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Credited on 10 games

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New Super Lucky's Tale (2019, Nintendo Switch) Production
Super Lucky's Tale (2017, Xbox One) Playful
Doom (2016, Windows) Production Director
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel (2013, Windows) Special Thanks
Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011, Windows) Scripting Lead World Design
SiN Episodes: Emergence (2006, Windows) Lead Game Designer
25 to Life (2006, Xbox) Designers
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (2004, Windows) Ritual Entertainment
Counter-Strike (2003, Xbox) Programming
Star Trek: Elite Force II (2003, Windows) Software Engineer

[ full credits ]

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