Ian Banks
Moby ID: 1063757
Wanted: We need a MobyGames approved biography!
Contribute Biography
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (2019, Windows) | Playtest Lab |
Age of Empires II: HD Edition (2013, Windows) | Playtest Lab |
Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (1999, Windows) | Playtest Lab |
Frequent Collaborators
People- 3 games with Paul Shinoda
- 3 games with Jennifer Street
- 3 games with Geneva Henry
- 3 games with Brent Rippy
- 3 games with Shane W. Nelson
- 3 games with David Gasca
- 3 games with Jeremy Totel
- 3 games with Namie Amuro
- 3 games with Zachary Laudon
- 3 games with Bryan Stephens
- 3 games with Microsoft Corporation
- 3 games with Ensemble Studios Corporation
- 3 games with Xbox Game Studios
- 2 games with Valve Corporation
- 1 game with TiVo Corporation
- 1 game with Rainbow Studios
- 1 game with Experis
- 1 game with Wicked Workshop
- 1 game with Virtuos Xi'an Studio
- 1 game with Toptronics Oy
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