Game Groups > Live action cut-scenes
The technological advancements of CD-ROM media and real-time decompression allowed games in the late 1980s and early 1990s to use full motion video, primarily for cutscenes. In an attempt to make games more film-like, these cutscenes soon went beyond traditional animation or CGI rendering techniques and used traditional live-action film making, with real actors, props and sets. Widespread throughout the 1990s, this style of cinematics has diminished in popularity by the mid-2000s, with a few notable exceptions like entries in Electronic Arts' Command & Conquer series.
This group collects games with such live-action elements for the static cut-scenes only. Games that use live action for the interactive gameplay use the game genre Art Style: Live action instead.
- The live-action footage must have been acquired through traditional film making techniques, using video or film cameras shooting at common frame rates like 24, 25 or 30 frames a second. The footage must also be shown within the game at similar film-like frame rates. Thus, games that feature digitized images of actors that are later animated are not to be included (example: Mortal Kombat);
- The games must feature original footage. Sometimes, movie-based games contain scenes from the movie they are licensed from. These games are not to be included unless the footage, while shot during a motion picture shoot, was specifically intended for game usage (example: Enter the Matrix).
Related items
- Art Style: Full Motion Video (FMV) (genre)
- Art Style: Live action (genre)
- Art Style: Video backdrop (genre)
Related Groups
- Character Feature: Actual person's looks and voice
- Command & Conquer franchise
- Fictional character: Sherlock Holmes
- Gamebook conversions
- Games with downloadable official map/level editors
- Genre: Card / Tile game - Poker
- Setting: Country - Sweden
- Setting: Country - Ukraine
- Strip Poker games
- Theme: Psychic powers / Psionics
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