Game Groups > Ninja Gaiden series
The Ninja Gaiden series by Tecmo follows the adventures of the ninja Ryu Hayabusa throughout the world and even other dimensions. The series began in the 2D side scroller action genre and was eventually revitalized as a 3D action game.
The word "Gaiden" in the title means "Letter". It can also mean "sidestory".
Trivia contributed by Foxhack
Related Groups
- 3D Engine: Unreal Engine 3
- Arcade Archives series
- Dead or Alive series
- Games with original fan translations into English
- Inspiration: TV cartoons
- Manga / anime licensees
- Megami Tensei / Megaten universe
- Pinball FX / Zen Pinball series
- Setting: City - New York
- Theme: Ninjas
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