Game Groups > Tony Hawk skateboarding series
A series of skateboarding games endorsed by pro skateboarder Tony Hawk, all of which involve the sport of skateboarding. The franchise was launched by studio Neversoft Entertainment, even though many other studios approached Tony Hawk for his endorsement. He was convinced after seeing an old Bruce Willis model from Apocalypse skating all over instead of just from Point A to Point B.
Neversoft released several sequels up to Tony Hawk's Proving Ground. It managed to innovate less than the skate series by Electronic Arts and in January 2009 Neversoft co-founder Joel Jewett said in an interview the franchise was handed to a different development studio.
Related Groups
- 3D Engine: Unreal Engine 3
- Games that include map/level editor
- Licensed title: Athletes
- Middleware: Bink Video
- PlayStation 2 Greatest Hits releases
- PlayStation 2 Platinum Range releases
- PlayStation Greatest Hits releases
- Protagonist: Visually customizable character
- Software Pyramide releases
- Xbox Platinum Hits releases
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