Game Groups > Weapon: Minigun/Chaingun
Games in which you can shoot a minigun/chaingun.
[Source: Serious Sam] [Source: Team Fortress 2] [Source: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3] [Source: Serious Sam 4]
It can be handheld/carried or mounted, however, the main rule is that the player can aim/control it independently as a weapon. For example, if one is mounted inside of a helicopter and you can man the gun independently from flying the helicopter - then that would be appropriate and approved. If the minigun is mounted on/affixed to a fighter jet and is just another keyboard or mouse click to fire while you fly around - this would NOT be appropriate and would get rejected.
In addition to the above, they cannot be a warship-mounted VADS/CIWS. While perhaps technically a minigun-like weapon, they are quite outside the scope of what one would reasonably mean when they say "minigun".
Otherwise, models and names are very flexible. Tri-barrel miniguns are permitted.
The weapon is not to be confused with black powder, hand-cranked Gatling Gun. That is a different era of weaponry that it is ill-fitting for this group. However, if the gun is simply named "gatling gun" but is very clearly the modern minigun/chaingun then it can be added as that would be more of a misnomer on the dev/studio's end.
Merely featuring the weapon in the game, cutscene, or enemy's arsenal doesn't warrant its inclusion. It should only be part of the group if you, as the player, can actively use it. In tactical or strategy games with selectable weapons, inclusion should be based on the availability of the weapon to you or your squads, troops, or units. Additionally, if the game focuses on gunsmithing, blacksmithing, or assembly - submissions may be approved on a case-by-case basis.
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