Game Groups > Gameplay feature: Multiple endings
Games where player actions during the course of the game may lead to at least two different story endings. Multiple game endings will usually occur at the same part of the game. Different endings are usually represented by noticeable different graphics, text, or cut-scenes. Gamers sometimes translate specific multiple endings with terms such as good ending, bad ending, etc.
Games where only a single ending exists, however may have additional story text or information in regards to the consequences of player actions which may differ if the player chose differently, may also be included in this game group.
Examples of multiple endings:
- Different endings based on the player's final choice of a lover/partner/boy or girlfriend in dating simulations.
- Different endings based on the character's final alignment, usually referring to good or evil actions.
- Different endings based on the player's party composition of different characters, etc.
Games that end at different locations throughout the game does not necessarily identify an ending. An ending or a complete ending should be expressly different from a game over, signifying the end of a game without no possible player actions available to continue the story. Games that may have several endings, however it is still possible to continue the game if the player chooses differently resulting in only one complete ending should be excluded from this game group.
Should not be confused with games that may have different endings due to a pre-determined selection by the player at the start of the game, such as character classes, multiple protagonist selection, factions, etc. Multiple endings in this regard should exist solely due to player actions during the game and not by a pre-determined factor, such as character, class, or faction selection, unless said variables have at least two possible endings.
Example: Choosing Rome and winning the game results in a Roman ending cut-scene. Choosing Carthage and winning the game results in a Carthaginian ending cut-scene. These games should be excluded from the game group, unless both Rome and Carthage have at least two different endings based on player actions during the game.
- Should not be confused with achievements, monster/enemy kills, or any additional information that does not contribute to the atmosphere of what should reasonably be identified as a story ending.
Note: Some may consider these spoilers.
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