Game Groups > Theme: Future sports / Brutal sports
A common sci-fi theme, dating back at least to the 1975 movie Rollerball, is that of futuristic gladiator games as a panem et circenses for the masses of a dystopian future. According to video games, the most common sport of the future is a bloody variation on rugby or American football, played by heavily-armoured, genetically-manipulated athletes. The genre-defining classic is considered to be the Bitmap Brothers' Speedball, though it was neither the first nor the last.
For purposes of this group, games should either feature:
- A sport taking place in the future. What is considered a sport is contextual in this case, but as in most sports there should be an identifiable score, a winner/loser dynamic, spectators, etc... typical of what's present during normal sporting events of today. and/or
- A sport that features over the top violence typically not present in that sport. Typically the game will feature little to no foul calling and have an anything goes nature particularity when it comes to physical contact between players.
Sports games that feature unrealistic elements like item power-ups, but fail to feature either of the above criteria should not be added to this group.
Related Groups
- Ball sports with vehicles
- BPjS / BPjM indexed games
- Console Generation Exclusives: SEGA Genesis
- Game feature: In-game screenshot capture
- Gameplay feature: Cannibalism
- Gameplay feature: Fishing
- Gameplay feature: Recordable replays
- Genre: Car / motorcycle combat
- Setting: Ship / Boat
- Weapon: Chainsaw
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