Game Groups > Genre: Auto-run platformer
The auto-run platformer is a form of platform game where the player character is always moving forwards. It was popularized with the game Canabalt where the player only uses one button to jump across gaps and over obstacles. Games of the genre can be side-scrolling, but they can also be third-person like Temple Run. These differs from the side-scrollers in that the player can move vertically. The genre is also dubbed "daring escape" or "endless runner".
Related Groups
- Advertising / Product tie-ins / Advergames
- Console Generation Exclusives: PlayStation 4
- Console Generation Exclusives: Wii U
- Genre: Horde survival
- Genre: Scrolling shoot 'em up
- Genre: Side scrolling run and gun
- Middleware: Firebase
- One-button games
- Protagonist: Robot
- Sonic the Hedgehog universe
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