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Ultima IX: Ascension

aka: Ultima 9, Ultima 9: Ascension, Ultima: Ascension

Windows credits (1999)

183 people (174 professional roles, 9 thanks) with 226 credits.


Director Richard Garriott
Executive Producer Jeffrey Anderson
Senior Producer Eric Lux
Producer (uncredited) Edward Alexander Del Castillo
Lead Programmer William Randolph
Programmers David Aldridge, Todd Hayes, Herman Miller, Jim Short, Gary Scott Smith, Chuck Zoch, Steven Muchow, Jason Maltzen, Hassan Archer, Michael Morlan
Lead Artist Scott Jones
Art Management Jennifer Davis, Beverly Garland, Andy Hoyos
Administrative Support Michelle Caddel, Pagon Short
Lead Designer Seth Mendelsohn
Designers Myque Ouellette, Matthew Crump, Amy Sage, Rand Van Fossen, Dina Mastbaum, Mitch Burton, Gary Scott Smith, Brian Martin
Artists Scott Wetterschneider, Michael Morlan, Art Wong, Joe Rabbitt, Victor C. Meinert, Robert Frye, Brendon Wilson, Kich Thien Ma, Cari Oberstar
Additional Artists Denis R. Loubet, Terry Manderfeld, Bruce Lemons, Damon Lane Waldrip, Robert Baldwin, Mark Leon, Pauline Saab, Paul Stankiewicz
Intern (uncredited) Peter Bartholow
Special Thanks Jack Heistand, Jeffrey Anderson, C. Gordon Walton, Alex Carloss, Kay Gilmore, Siobhan Beeman

Dialogue and Voices

Voice Director Seth Mendelsohn, Stretch Williams
Dialogue Sound Editing/Design Joe Basquez, Clark Crawford, Lisa Elliott Cobb, Zafer Hamza, Aaron Thibault ('t.bone')
Recording Engineer Stretch Williams, Mat Mitchell
Additional Voices Tom Byrne, Debra Cole, Adam Dudley, Dale Dudley, Doug Forrest, Raquel Gavia, Bethlyn Gerard, Joey Gibson, Traci Goudie, Jim Grisham, Larry Guillot, Martha Hannah, Dan Jennings, Bill Johnson, David Kroll, Ev Lunning Jr., Rob Mahoney, Dax Martinez-Vargas, John Meadows, Garry Payne, Audrey Peterson, Eric Peterson, David Quinn, Lauri Raymond, Jessica Robertson, Steve Sanders, J. C. Shakespeare, J. P. Shepard, Andrea Sieh, James Steward, Cynthia Wood, Stephanie Woodyard
Writer Brian Martin (UA Design Team)
Avatar J. C. Shakespeare
Raven Audrey Peterson (also credited as Edi Patterson)
Lord British Ev Lunning Jr.
Guardian Bill Johnson
Blackthorn Doug Forrest
Samhayne J. P. Shepard

Product Support: Studio Services

A/V Services Director Stretch Williams
Sound Effects/Music Mat Mitchell, Joe Basquez, Clark Crawford, Lisa Elliott Cobb, Zafer Hamza, Aaron Thibault ('t.bone')
Video Editor Shane Metcalf

Product Support: QA

QA Manager Marie Williams
QA Lead Timothy Bell
QA Assistant Lead Brett Bonner
Testers Rick C. Holtrop, Chris Launius, Jonathan Shelus, Stephen VanWambeck, Todd Wachhaus
Additional Testers Todd Raffray, Rhea Shelley, Kyle Drewke, Stacy Davidson, Brandon Paul Salinas

Product Support: Localization

Localization Manager Christina Vollmer
French Localization Coordinator Jean-Luc Chabrier
French Translators Jean-Claude Ducerf, Patrice Madesclaire, Nathalie Marlier, Claire Nicolas
French Audio Knockin' Boots Productions - Paris/France
French Language Testers Laurent Gibert, Gregory Touilliez
German Translators Frank Dietz, Ruth Germann-Ford, Christoph Niedermair, Claudia Kellersch, Susanne van Eyl
German Audio toneworx GmbH - Hamburg/Germany
German Language Testers Frank Gördes, Torsten Sturm

Product Support: Marketing

Special Thanks To Nancy Waisanen
Product Manager Matt Orlich
Director of Communications David Swofford
Executive Assistant Anissa Housley
Graphic Services Manager Tonda Mueller
Online Community Manager Carly Staehlin-Taylor ('LadyMOI')
Online Community Coordinator Jonathan Hanna ('Calandryll')
Ultima IX Web Forum Hosts Alex Beckers ('Pariah'), Rusty Bentley ('IronFury'), Curtis Dickinson ('Mith Dragon'), Chris Finch ('Uranium'), Dirk Jacobs ('DarkHeart'), William Jost ('Uziel'), Robin Sharma ('Durham Dragon')

Product Support: Web Group

Group Manager, Art Director Joel Shively
Lead Programmer Chris Graf
Production Artist Chris Savio
Programmer, Multimedia Seth Scoville
Programmer Daniel Buckler

Product Support: Package and Documentation

Package Design Scott Jones, Ellis Richardson
Package Art Direction Tonda Mueller, Scott Jones
Illustrator Denis R. Loubet
Documentation Design/Layout Tonda Mueller

Electronic Arts

Journal and Spellbook Writer Steve Olson
Journal and Spellbook Editor Ede Clarke
Install Guide and Command Key Summary Writer Ede Clarke
Package Copy Ede Clarke, Matt Orlich
Customer Quality Control Jacob Fernandez, Benjamin Crick, Dave Knudson, Andrew Young, Darryl Jenkins, Anthony Alexander, Micah Pritchard
Special Thanks To (for their patience, endurance, and commitment to high quality) Tonda Mueller, Steve Olson

Electronic Arts Europe

Product Manager Ann Hall
UK PR Simi Belo
Documentation Oliver Ladenburg
Pack and Documentation Layout Colin Dodson
Translation Co-ordination Clare Parkes, Rebecca Gordon
Localisation Co-ordination - Export and Web Petrina Wallace
Materials Co-ordination Kevin Smith
Studio Ops Steve Fitton
Customer Quality Control Fabio Mastrangioli

Cinematics (for Origin Systems)

SFX/Foley Joe Basquez, Lisa Elliott Cobb, Mat Mitchell
Sound Design Joe Basquez
Sound Mix Mat Mitchell, Stretch Williams
Writer/Director Michael Morlan
Storyboards Jeff Dee, Denis R. Loubet
CG Artists Robert Frye, Bruce Lemons, Mark Leon, Denis R. Loubet, Terry Manderfeld, Michael Morlan, Pauline Saab, Damon Lane Waldrip, Brendon Wilson
Score George Oldziey

Cinematics (for Blur Studios)

Creative Director Tim Miller
Executive Producer Stephanie Taylor
CG Coordinator Al Shier
CG Supervisors Aaron E. Powell, David Stinnett
Lead FX Animator Steve Blackmon
CG Animators Jeremy Cook, Tom Dillon, Sam Gebhardt, Juan Granja, Keith Jensen, Jon Jordan, Kirby Miller, Eric Pinkel, Tharyn Valavanis, Jeff Weisend
Programmer Scott Kirvan
Systems Administrator Duane Powell
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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Kabushi, Freeman, formercontrib, Terok Nor, Jeanne.