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Red Faction

Moby ID: 4194

Windows version

Bad mid-1990's B-Grade scifi flick, except you can play it. And blow stuff up. Whee.

The Good
The game has a couple of areas where it shines. One area is the sound production, which is tightly done. The control system is well thought out, especially vehicle control. Although most of the weapons in the game are not unique to previous games, they are distinctive (and the Riot Shield is inspired). I like the space station level. The graphics are ok. And, uh, that's it. ... Yeah. coughs

The Bad
Red Faction is terribly dull. It feels like a tech demo with some weapons and moving targets thrown in. The level design is illogical. The first area is obviously a mine, but from the said mine we move on to a metal, hi-tech type facility that (I suppose) serves some logical purpose. And then we go into an office building or two and shoot some people with a silenced pistol. And so on. All the various parts of the Mars mining complex are, of course, conveniently interconnected though a complex series of ducts.

Plot? Go up against the big bad space based corporation-type-thing and kill stuff. Sounds like a great B movie script (that's been done 5 million times). It's not helped by voice actors, who drag this game down from B movie levels all the way to direct-to-video. The guards shout out imaginative lines like "Scummmmm!" and "Give up while you still can, miner!". Gee, is it just me or is the theater empty for some reason? And I love the (abrupt) ending. On the subject of sound, I must quickly say (before I move on to something totally unrelated) that the musical score is unremarkable.

One final note is the on the AI, which (in the most polite way possible) I can only say is poor. Or, perhaps, it's too good. The AI seems to know exactly where you are for no apparent reason. The (apparently psychic) guards also seem to have telekinetic powers, as their shots (even with inaccurate weapons) almost always hit. They infuriate, but not enough for one to stop playing the game.

The Bottom Line
I can't really even be bothered to write an lengthly, interesting review. What a dull game. It might be worth $5 or so in a "bargain bin" outlet, but certainly isn't worth anymore than that.

by Longwalker (723) on April 20, 2004

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