The colourful and animated menu
The character generation screen
The dialogues are a highlight of the game
The map of the largest city
A violent battle, our Asian allies set aflame by a Molotov cocktail
The black bullies present an improvised firing squad
The player is chiefly dressed in civil clothes in the beginning...
...The nature of the equipment radically changes as the game advances
(FMV, Russian version) The characters being briefed about the mission.
(FMV) The convicts inside the landing capsule
(FMV) The landing capsule with the convicts are dropped on the planet.
Boar wakes up after the landing, and are greeted by the locals.
(Cutscene) The Industrial Area bosses, Hoover and Wolf.
Characters betraying each other. You'll be seeing this a lot in this game.
(FMV) Boar makes his way into Northern city
To enter the city, some decent clothing will be required.
An ostrich, one of the most annoying enemies early in the game
The second team mate, Sullen, is in a cage. Slavery is commonplace here.
Raiding a mansion in Taipen (yellow) district
Character sheet of Sullen, after he's been freed.
The perk sheet. There are 13 slots; in each slot, only 1 of 3 perks can be chosen.
The planet map
One of the loading screens
At the beginning, battles are usually fought at point-blank range
The loot after an encounter.
Setting neutral NPCs on fire to kill them and take their weapon.
Stashing item in chests. Pressing Alt show their sold value.
The team attacking a Theromorph, which has the ability to randomly set its prey on fire.
A Romeo-Juliet parody. Needless to say, this love story doesn't end well, either.
Talking to an officer in Stoneguard, the Aryan city
Enemies in full body suit.
While these things offer great protection, the wearer can only walk in slow motion, making them perfect target for grenades.
Zombies! And talkative ones!
These robots have ridiculously accurate laser attack which have high chance to stun and crit.
An ostrich hunt.
Raiding a tobacco farm for fun and profit.
Finally, some gears that we don't have to loot from dead enemies or buy from vendors.
Power armor, blasters, assault blasters, railguns and ... knives?
The heroes rocking their cool new gear.
The heroes goofing off after their mission is complete
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