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The Incredibles

aka: Chaoren Tegongdui, De Utrolige, Die Unglaublichen - The Incredibles, Gli incredibili: Una "normale" famiglia di supereroi, Ihmeperhe, Iniemamocni, Inkheuredeobeul, Les Indestructibles, Los Increíbles, Mr. Inkurediburu, Os Incríveis, Superhjältarna, Supersemejka, The Incredibles: Os Super-Heróis, Úžasňákovi
The Incredibles (Windows) screenshot: In this arena level you must blow up the towers that are shooting at you.
The Incredibles (Windows) screenshot:
In this arena level you must blow up the towers that are shooting at you.

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Added: February 19, 2008
Contributed by: Depeche Mike