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Imperialism II: The Age of Exploration

aka: Imperialism II: Era das Explorações, Imperialismus II: Die Eroberer

[ Macintosh ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (1999)

89 people (63 professional roles, 26 thanks) with 98 credits.

Original Game Design Ben Polk, William Spieth, Ted Spieth
Programming Rachel Bernstein, Eric Fredricksen, Michael Mortimer, Ben Polk
Cross-Platform Programming Eric Fredricksen
Art Andre Salcido, Vadim Vahrameev, Brian White
Cinematics Andre Salcido, Vadim Vahrameev
Manual William Spieth
Music Composition Victor Spiegal
Senior Producer Alan Wasserman
Production Assistant George Chastain Jr.
Senior V.P. of Development Daniel Cermak
V.P. of R&D Jan Lindner
Manual Editor Anathea Lopez, Mark Whisler
Test Manager Jeff Franks
Lead Testers Aaron Addleman, Alana Gilbert
SSI Tester Thadd Abernathy, Toby Abernathy, Ashley L. Bushore, Jeremy Campbell, Christa Fenus-Cates, Rich Connell, Dan Couvillion, Eric David Ribner, Bryan Fasholtz, Richard Fielder, Larry W. Finch, Brian Fitz, Oshyan Greene, Cyrus G. Harris, Deirdra Hendricks, Jessica Jones, Charles Kammerer, Leila Kincaid, Stephen Krause, Joel Lehmann, Kurt Maffei, Walker Richardson, Timothy Saluzzo, Richard Wagenet, David L. Yen
Sound FX Audio Syncrasy
Musicians Baroque Instrumentation American Baroque
Midi Music Victor Spiegal


Installation and Localization Programmer Philip Wang
Localization Hiromi Okamoto
Beta Test Site Coordinator Shawn Storc
Director of Marketing Todd Wolf Sitrin
Associate Marketing Manager Tanya Schornack
Public Relations Director Karen Conroe (K.C.)
Product Marketing Associate Brigham Hausman
Website Design & Creation Eric Wayne Key, Margaret Wallace
Packaging & Advertising Epicentric
Manual Layout Louis Saekow Design
Special thanks to many others at SSI and Mindscape Entertainment that all contributed to make IMPERIALISM II: AGE OF EXPLORATION such a great product and project to work on Charles J. Kroegel Jr., Bret Berry, Joel Billings, Jacques Hennequet, David Feldman, Sandra Shepard, Kim Grant, Mario Alves, Rick E. White, Steven Peterson, Stanley Biesiadecki, Steve Murphy, Donald W. Laabs, Jeff M. Peña, Garrett Graham, Charles Harribey, Jonathan Kromrey, Debbie Minardi, Caryn Mical, Alexa, Nick, Deb, all of our families that have been especially understanding and put up with many hours of work that went into this project
While too many strong to list here individually, we include a very special thanks to the many testers that were part of our external team, Your efforts and contention have contributed greatly to making IMPERIALISM II: AGE OF EXPLORATION a better game; we couldn't have done it without you.


Sound Effects Audio Syncrasy
Music Performance with Baroque Instruments American Baroque
Midi Music Performance Victor Spiegal
Special thanks to our families and friends who put up with us during this project and at other times as well


Product Manager Anthony Parkins
PR Manager Paul Kluge
Senior Graphic Designer Andrew French
European Graphic Design Manager Bill Duncan
Creative Services Co-ordinator Danni Askew
Creative Services Manager Maria Fernandez
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

[ Upgrade to MobyPlus to view more! ]

Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

[ Upgrade to MobyPlus to view more! ]

Credits contributed by Wizo, Ray Soderlund, formercontrib, Xoleras.