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Hearts of Iron III

aka: HoI3

[ Macintosh add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (2009)

114 people (111 professional roles, 3 thanks) with 120 credits.

Paradox Interactive

Producer Johan Andersson
Game Design Johan Andersson, Christopher King
Lead Programmer Thomas Johansson
Programming Thomas Johansson, Dan Lind, Johan Andersson, Henrik Fåhraeus, Anna Drevendal
2D Artist Jonas Jakobsson
3D Artist Fredrik Toll
Assistant Artist Nina Olsson, Mikael Olsson
Tutorial Thomas Johansson, Christopher King
Original Music Andreas Waldetoft
Lead Tester Christopher King
Manual & Strategy Guide Ed Hanks
Beta Testers Frank van Aanholt, Gregory Anderson, David Ballantyne, Jeffrey M. Barkhauer Sr., Davide Benedetti, John S. Boyd, Stewart G. Bragg, Thomas Broman, Michael Carrington, Gunnar Carstensen, Luis Miguel Nunes Corujo, Tony Cristanelli, David DiCicco, Karl Anders Ellingsen, Alexander John Fowler, Håkan Gunneriusson, Anders Gärdlung, Edwin Hanks, Charles Hardinger, Michael Hermann Kurt Herold, Alexander Hochbaum, David Horkoff, Miha Hribernik, Simon Jäger, Chris Keating, Nicolas Kowarsch, Chris Krause, Robert Kruse, Vincent Lahousse, Guillaume Lanthier, Julien Lejeune, Gustaf C. F. Lindquist, Arne Lindström, Romuald Louvrier, Jacob Michael Lundgren, Urban Lundqvist, Jorge Martin, Luc Mangas, Carsten ’t Mannetje, Nenad Milovanovic, Magnus Palm, Shervin Patel, Christian A. Pedersen, Maxime Penen, Mark Potter, Alan Riddell, Mathias Rotgeri, Henrik Rothén, Christoph Safferling, Rick Schirtzinger, Felix Schürmann, Andy Smith, Rick Stewart, Albert Söderqvist, Frederic Alexandre Tauxe, Lars Thomsen, Mark Kvistgaard Thomsen, Tuomas Tirronen, Russell Vensaka, Andrew Sydney Welsh, Patrick Wegerle, Taylor White, Luke Whitehorn, Gene Whitmore, Mark Leslie Williams, Roger Wincek Jr., Thomas Wintersig, Dan Wright, Ivan Zec
Special Thanks To all our forum members, partners and supporters, who are integral for our success
CEO Fredrik Wester
CFO Lena Eriksson
Finance & Accounting Annlouise Larsson
EVP Sales & Marketing Reena M. Miranda
Sales Support Karen Veerasami
Director of PR & Marketing Susana Meza Graham
PR & Marketing Boel Bermann
Product Manager Jeanette Bauer
Cover Art Research Carl Zarmén, Army Museum
Cover Art Photo Olivia Jeczmyk
Graphic Design/Packaging Layout Electric Boogie Design Coop
Manual & Strategy Guide Layout Christian Sabe
Logo Electric Boogie
Editor Digitial Wordsmithing, Ryan Newman
Marketing Assets 2Coats
Localization S&H Entertainment Localization
Thanks to all our partners' worldwide, in particular long-term partners Southpeak [USA], Koch Media [Germany], Snowball [Russia], Ascaron [UK], Friendware [Spain], Cyberfront [Japan], New Era Interactive Media Co. Ltd [SE Asia], CD Projekt [Poland], Porto Editora [Portugal], Cenega [Poland], Hell-Tech [Greece], Plan1 [Finland]
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sicarius.