Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Collector's CD-ROM
Description official descriptions
This compilation includes the campaigns from the original game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, the three campaigns from the add-on Star Wars: TIE Fighter - Defender of the Empire and also three new, never before released campaigns in a second add-on called Enemies of the Empire. In total there are more than 100 missions to fly and survive.
In addition to the new missions, there are also some technical improvements to the game:
- Improved screen resolution to SVGA (640*480)
- Added new cut scenes
- Full voice mission briefings and radio calls (the so called "Talkie" version)
- Improved the interactive mission briefing
Groups +
Credits (DOS version)
89 People (78 developers, 11 thanks) · View all
Project Leader | |
3D Flight Engine | |
Cinematic Engine | |
Mission AI Engine | |
Pilot Concourse Artwork | |
Cockpit Artwork | |
Story Development and Mission Design | |
Mission Builders | |
3D Flight Engine Models | |
iMUSE Interactive Music System | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 90% (based on 16 ratings)
Average score: 4.1 out of 5 (based on 77 ratings with 5 reviews)
Long Live the Empire! Die Rebel Scum!
The Good
Good thing I bought this one instead of the separate additions of Star Wars: Tie Fighter and Tie Fighter: Defender of the Empire.
Honestly, I'm not that into simulation games like flying and driving, because they usually belong to the arcade realm. Arcade games should stay arcade, computer games should stay computer. But this game is something you definitly cannot play at your local arcade center! Tie Figher is one of the great exceptions in my book! It's not just about flying around and shooting down X-Wings, if that were the case, I'd probably throw it into the trash in no time!
The great things about this game is that it is more of a story-adventure with flying/shooting as a bonus. It describes (to me) with great detail on how 'you' a wet-nose cadet that just joined the Imperial Navy, struggles in trying to be the best damn pilot in the Empire, from training (earning those Gold Medals...I think), promotions for every succesfull campaign and eventually finding ranks in the Inner Circle!
I basically spent half of my time finishing the trainning courses before I ever got to start playing the campaigns (Keyword=Perfectionist)...with a mouse by the way.
Did I mention I used a mouse to play this game! Yes, A MOUSE! So what, you might ask. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TO CHASE AN A-WING HALF ACROSS THE GALAXY WITH A MOUSE??? Only true Imperial Pilots (like myself) can ever succed in such a feat (ehem). I even had to change my mouse pad to a 'large edition' of cosmopolitan magazine as the mouse pad didn't have enough 'rolling ground'. Boy, my arm was whirling that mouse away like it was a toy porche...those A-Wing's are sure fast! Hahahaha. Good thing you can pause for occasional muscle strains.
Should see my record kills...bloody hell destroyed the rebel fleet myself....hahaha.
Great game.
The Bad
Maybe I should've played with a joystick... NAH! Only for weaklings! (and Rebel Scum!)
The Bottom Line
One of the best simulations games ever created! After playing this game, you will truly understand the supreme power of the Empire!
For maximum difficulty, disable Joystick feature and use a mouse.
DOS · by Indra was here (20735) · 2003
one of the best Space-Fighting games ever
The Good
At first I cam from Wing Commander, and this game was so different. The ship moved strange, the radar was strange, and that little TIE fighter had no shields.
But after some time I grew into this game. It was just amazing. Primary, Secondary, Secret Targets, in game on-going story. You actually felt like a Imperial Pilot. It was just saw awesome. And if you put together with that wonderful music, the whole thing blew you away.
I think I never played any better Space fighter game than this. The missions were difficult but never too difficult. Sometimes of course the enemies AI was rather dumb, but that happend never too often.
Oh yeah, and nothing is more exciting than flying towards your target, putting all shields to forward, adjusting shields, laser, ion, beam energy. Gosh thats just so great.
I really have to play that game again :)
The Bad
umm ... actually nothing. Except I wished it had textures on the game, but hey, that was 1995 ...
The Bottom Line
If you like dog-fighting, get this. Just get it, play it. This game is from a time where games had a really story a real one, not just a fake stupid one. No real wonderful ongoing story ...
DOS · by Clemens Schwaighofer (2) · 2004
Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side!
The Good
Following the tradition of the movies, most Star Wars games put the player in the position of one of the good guys - a brave soldier of the Rebel Alliance or a selfless Jedi Knight, fighting against tyranny and oppression. In TIE Fighter, you can forget about all this - you are now a pilot in the proud Imperial Navy, the Emperor's main tool of imposing his rule on the galaxy.
The greatest thing about TIE Fighter is that it allows you to see and experience the Star Wars universe from the Imperial perspective. Everything seems to be turned upside down - the Empire is a force of good, bringing peace and order to the galaxy, whereas the Rebels, "just a little better than pirates", are criminals and renegades who bring only conflict and treachery. As a newly recruited TIE pilot, you are to participate in the forging of a better tomorrow for all beings!
Star Wars: TIE Fighter is the direct successor of Star Wars: X-Wing (in which you are a Rebel pilot) - it is fairly similar to it, yet introduces numerous enhancements that make the game even better and create an entirely new experience.
At first sight, the game engine seems to be the same as X-Wing's, yet it has many advancements in terms of gameplay. Missions become more complicated and are rarely straightforward - all sorts of surprising events can occur before the end, e.g. unexpected arrival of new enemy forces, or supposedly friendly forces turning traitor and attacking you.
Mission objectives are more numerous and more varied - beside the standard Primary Objectives, you will be given Secondary Objectives, which are optional but give extra points and please the Emperor, as well as Bonus objectives, which are initially hidden and are revealed when you complete them, encouraging players to experiment.
The CD-ROM version, in particular, adds a few more improvements to the game engine, the most significant of which is the support for 640x480 resolution. It also features a revamped intro video and full audio briefings. The final three Battles, which complete the story, are exclusive to the CD-ROM version of the game and were never available separately.
The game's story is developed very well and features quite a few unexpected twists and turns. The main plot begins to unfold with some subtle hints from the very beginning, and comes to its glorious climax at the end of Battle 13. It is an entirely new story, influenced by the events in the movies, yet not strictly bound to them. The Rebels will not be the only enemy to fight, you will also face pirates, criminal organizations, hostile alien governments and even traitor Imperials.
You will fly many of the starfighters seen in the movies (TIE Fighter/Interceptor/Bomber) as well as a few new ones, such as the Assault Gunboat and the TIE Defender. Flying in an unshielded craft early in the game adds a whole new dimension to gameplay - dodging enemy shots becomes crucial for survival. Later on, shielded craft become available, yet that won't make your life much easier, as the enemy firepower will also be getting stronger.
The missions you'll be flying offer a good balance between epic battles and more common scenarios. You will get a taste of daily military life in the Imperial Navy - routine patrols, cargo inspections, hunting down criminals, customs duty, etc. You will also participate in battles that could decide the fate of the galaxy...
If you are the kind of player who enjoys gathering rewards and trophies, you are in for a treat. TIE Fighter offers hundreds of rewards to earn - from the simple badges, patches and medallions for beating the training courses to big shiny medals for completing Battles. You can also receive small silver or golden stars for completing all Secondary and/or Bonus objectives in a mission.
The most interesting aspect of the rewards system is the mysterious Secret Order of the Emperor - a clandestine group of agents of the Dark Side of the Force, who accomplish various "unofficial" tasks for the Emperor himself. Completing all Secondary Objectives in a certain number of missions and having an outstanding score will get you initiated into the Order. If you continue to excel and serve faithfully, you will advance in rank (designated by an eerie purple tattoo on your character's arm). Several cutscenes depict your initiation and further promotions. Secret Order ranks do not affect gameplay - they are there entirely for the prestige.
The Bad
My primary complaint about the game is related to its difficulty. Some missions are too easy, even on the Hard setting. Others are way too hard, even on Easy. Sometimes you will have to rely on simple luck to keep a mission-critical ship in one piece. Sometimes you will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of enemy ships, not knowing which one to focus on.
Some missions have so many objectives that the player may feel confused. Some mission-critical craft might not appear until late in the mission, making the player wonder if they have missed something important (potentially aborting the mission).
At the time when Tie Fighter was made, polygons were still something quite new and even exotic. Therefore, the engine might exhibit a few glitches related to collision detection or slight graphical corruption at places.
The Bottom Line
A hardcore Star Wars fan should not miss this title. If you enjoy old DOS classics, you are also very likely to enjoy this game.
TIE Fighter provides many hours of quality gaming, and has great replayability. May the Force be with you :)
DOS · by Gatekeeper (290) · 2012
Subject | By | Date |
Dazed and confused. | Somebody bring me Sisko! (8) | Mar 23, 2009 |
Tech info: If the game is installed on another drive than C: the installer will still place a file named TIE.CD in the root of the C: drive. This is the wrong location, the file must be located in the root of the drive the game was installed to, and if found in C: will cause the game start to suggest a reinstallation. Moving C:\TIE.CD to the root of the correct drive fixes this error, and the game can start normally.
Related Sites +
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Wikipedia page on TIE Fighter -
TIE Fighter Corps
TIE Fighter gaming club -
The Imperial Order
fan site
Identifiers +
Are you familiar with this game? Help document and preserve this entry in video game history! If your contribution is approved, you will earn points and be credited as a contributor.
Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Tony Van.
Windows added by darkpilot. Linux added by Plok. Macintosh added by Jason Savage.
Additional contributors: William Shawn McDonie, Jeanne, n][rvana, formercontrib, darkpilot, Plok, Rwolf.
Game added January 9, 2000. Last modified December 29, 2024.