Title screen
A small mouse looks up...
...and sees a house on an island high up in the sky.
After hitching a ride on a passing truck, the mouse makes it into the house
Exploring the basement!
Yum, cheese.
There's a postcard on the fridge!
I guess fruit is basically basketball-sized to a mouse.
Found a picture piece! The only real goal in this game is to find all the pieces of this picture.
Clicking on the broom brings out this witch mouse!
Opening the door lets a few leaves in.
Clicking on the window gets the attention of the bluebird outside.
Found another picture piece!
Clicking the painting reveals a scale model of the house and its island.
Enjoying the perfume...
These paintings are a simple memory game.
There's a monkey inside...?
Clicking on the cello treats us to a little tune.
When the clock strikes, all of the clockwork figures play music.
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