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Rally Championship

Moby ID: 17502

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Average score: 65% (based on 14 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 2.5 out of 5 (based on 3 ratings with 1 reviews)

Completely mediocre port of a PC game released only in Europe that doesn't hold up well to the original title

The Good
As Rally Championship Xtreme came out only in Europe, Conspiracy and SCi Games teamed up to make a console port of Xtreme, which looks a bit better than the original, but a little worse. The graphics for the most part are quite impressive for 2002, it looks dated nowadays. The gameplay is the same as I played the original game which was based on, and the sound is much better, you can hear airhorns from the crowd, engines sound accurate, and the co pilot sounds better when you can compare to the PC port of the game. It looks decent, but...

The Bad
..the music is just terrible, the developers tried to add really good music but it falls flat. Sometimes the music is a mix-up between techno and rock so it goes really badly as the game doesn't loop them right, the song ends and it plays back from the beginning. The rest of the music is the same like Xtreme, nothing special. Some bonus cars are slow, like the Mini Cooper which is a red herring because it is so slow, and its Rover engine won't help. On the other hand the tracks are mixed up, I don't remember a level from the Wales rally being in the Scottish rally which is not fitting, as it's a port of a 2001 game. The tracks are the same as in Xtreme, nothing special.

The Bottom Line
Well, as it turns out, the port is just a mixed bag. A port of a Europe only PC game, but it turns into a mess as it got a one year delay in the US. If you want a good rally game, stick to V-Rally 3 or get Pro Rally on the same console.

GameCube · by BlaringCoder (169) · 2016

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by mikewwm8, Patrick Bregger, nyccrg, lights out party, Jeanne, CalaisianMindthief, Wizo.