TimeSplitters: Future Perfect

aka: TimeSplitters 3
Moby ID: 17340
PlayStation 2 Specs
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In the year 2401 the space marine Sergeant Cortez is leaving the space station that he visited in the end of his previous journey. He soon discovers that the crystals he has found can power up a time machine. After having located traces of TimeSplitter activities in various time periods on the Earth, Cortez boards the time machine and travels to these periods, hoping to aid various characters in their battles against evil.

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect is a first-person shooter in which players battle their way through thirteen story missions spread across six time periods, either alone or cooperatively. The protagonist's arsenal varies depending on the time period he travels to: for example, traveling to 1924 will allow Cortez to wield World War I weapons; a Soviet setting in the 1960's contains various local firearms of that time period; stages that take place in the future feature corresponding futuristic weaponry, etc. In addition to fast-paced shooting gameplay there are also some stealth and vehicle-driving segments.

Like in the previous installments of the series, various multiplayer modes are included. Players can take on computer-controlled opponents on any of the fifteen arcade maps, or make their own ones. Players can also compete for awards in dozens of arcade league matches and challenges. It is possible to choose from between 150 characters and challenge other players to a head-to-head battle, either with up to four-player split screen or online and LAN play.

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Credits (PlayStation 2 version)

184 People (180 developers, 4 thanks) · View all

Directed By
Team Leader
Music and Sound
Head of Art
Head of Animation
Senior Programmers
Tools Programmers
Additional Programming
Lead Level Setup
Level Setup
Lead Character Artist
[ full credits ]



Average score: 86% (based on 44 ratings)


Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 53 ratings with 3 reviews)


The Good
I am a big fan of Timesplitters 2, my review is here on Mobygames and I still consider it one of my all-time favorites. Future Perfect is almost identical to that game and largely feels like a very good expansion pack to me. Why am I telling you this? Well, because I don't feel like repeating an entire review, so I will only mention the good and bad changes... Okay :D?

The aiming has improved significantly to the point I could actually use the sniper rifle at long range. TS2 had the problem where every weapon handled like you were trying to hurl lifting-weights at people and you were largely dependent on the auto-aim. Here you can choose between the two and most weapons handle just as well when you aim as when you rely on the auto-aim to do it for you.

There is a new batch of silly challenges and arcade missions to complete and I couldn't be happier. The arcade missions have only gotten more insane over since the last installment and it was during a mission on a frozen lake where I was fighting malformed reindeer that I remembered why I was in this industry to begin with, namely to have some damn fun. I am currently pretty well on my way to completing the amateur league and I want to try and get them all this time.

It really feels like the producers want to give us as much as they possibly can. Why do I think so? Because during the arcade missions you realize just how many characters they actually created that they weren't even going to use in the story mode. They could have simply went the James Bond way and took all the characters from the campaign missions, but instead we get a huge number of detailed and well designed characters that are all pretty interesting in their own way.

Talking about characters, the story has improved in that aspect as well. In TS2 you started the campaign with the opening cutscene and then every mission with a short cinematic showing your character for that adventure. Now we actually have cutscenes during the missions and we are in constant contact with a supervisor who gives you instructions. It allows the story to come alive a bit more and while I am not really fond of how Harry Tipper turned into a hippy, I am still cool with it since he and Cortez talk during their partnership and we discover his motivations.

I can at least play the game without been in a constant state of "really damn scared". I will get back at this later, but the short version is that they ditched most of the surprise spawning and I am fortunate enough to not having been traumatized by this game at an early age. There is still a very memorable campaign missions set in my birth year (1994) that would have made me shit my lungs out at the age of eight though.

The game campaign is still full of awesome moments that prove just how boring Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is. Honestly, how many memorable moments were there in that game? I can't for the love of god recall anything of it, despite having played it multiple times. My favorite moment was once again in 1994 when I got locked into a room and some kind of machine started throwing zombies at me. The game is also full of awesome moment where you go into wormholes to help past selves of you out during moments you played yourself seconds ago.

The Bad
The silliness of the Arcade mission has seeped into the campaign and that causes quite a few problems. While the arcade and challenge missions were both nonsensical fun-houses, the story mode was played pretty straight with a pretty decent story and a more serious tone. You won't catch any gingerbread cookies ambushing you during the story mode, but Cortez is suddenly way past the traumatizing events of TS2 and wisecracks his way through the entire story. The humor is rather in your face and while it got me to smile from time to time, it is mostly pretty low-brow and embarrassing.

You no longer go all over time and space like in TS2 during the story mode and mostly stick to sci-fi areas. I think the furthest you travel back is to 1924 Scotland, but you don't really notice the big time gap all that much. The previous game had you travelling all over the place and I believe you even went back to the time of the Inca's and the Wild West at one point. The pay-off at the end is still pretty good, but more interesting areas wouldn't have hurt.

The Bottom Line
Future Perfect is still not a perfect game and I don't really like what they did with the tone of the story mode, but overall I had a lot of fun with this adventure. I went into this with high expectations and the game managed to fulfill all of those, it is a fun and fast-paced action shooter with a sense of humor and a good aesthetic. Players are guaranteed a lot of content due to the fun arcade mode, the map maker and the challenges, plus the story is worth following and has some very awesome moments in it.

Fans of the previous game will get what they know and love, though this makes the game more of an expansion pack. People who have never touched upon this franchise before will get an experience one can only dislike if they are utterly and completely devoted to reality. I have yet to meet somebody who hates this game, but until then I can recommend this to all of you.

Keep on gaming!

PlayStation 2 · by Asinine (956) · 2011

Casual shooter fans, rejoice!

The Good
Timesplitters: FP is a minor improvement of Timesplitters 2, an excellent game in my opinion. What makes this an improvement, you say? Let me tell you... First, the game got itself an actual story. This story, while short, has the funniest dialog FPSer's have seen in a long time. Also, this game is the freakin' easiest game to get into. Just move, shoot, and stay alive. Heck, it's so easy to learn your GIRLFRIEND could get into it in 5 minutes. Not to mention the game's simpleness make it more like the action found in Goldeneye 007 (trivia fact: this game, as long as it's prequels, were made by people who worked on Goldeneye). If you want some complexity, there are alot of modes to play with; Capture the Bag (capture the flag), elimination (run out of lives and you lose), and vampire (a timer ticks down before you die, and you must kill others to reset that timer) are just a few. For those who complained TS2 had no online play, this game includes it, and it is a blast! Sure there is some lag here or there, but overall it's a fun and a very social experience. Lastly, a mapmaker is included, and it is a MAJOR improvement over the previous 2 games. You can even upload them and/or download them online.

The Bad
As for the negative things, I can name a few. The AI, for example, plays stupid. They move rather slow, and when you shoot them, they give their "hurt" animation, allowing you easy access to finish them off. If they get an explosive weapon (such as the rocket launcher), they will spend close to forever aiming their shit before firing it. Also, the graphics aren't up to par. Characters have no shadows, weapons aren't very real looking, and there aren't any ragdoll physics (when characters' arms and legs flobble around after death based on what they hit). Lastly, the story mode is over way too quickly, about 4-6 hours on average. The average single-player lasts 15-20 hours. Ouch.

The Bottom Line
Timesplitters is for anyone who wants to share this game with casual players, their girlfriend, or wants a good time. Even hardcore action fans will get something out of this game. Be warned though, if your compare it to Halo 2, you will hate this game. Just drop that game out of your mind, and Timesplitters: FP is a winner!

Xbox · by Strangemodule (10) · 2005

The game that perfectly combines time-travel with comedy and shooter elements!

The Good
Almost every single aspect of this game was so good, it simply cannot be improved. For instance, the ultimate weapons arsenal - with all the best weapons; from old-fashioned rifles, to gangsta machine guns, to modern day pistols, to all-out explosive futuristic equipment! With big levels of fun, action and adventure that are set in various time periods, and an great interesting plot, combined with extra content makes this game legend. With other many arcade league challenges, lots of two-player missions and arcade fun, topped off with over 100+ characters to choose from. This game, with probably the best graphics at the time of its release, has so much fun that once you complete it, you'll want to do it again - over and over until your fingers become numb.

The Bad
I can honestly say there are no bad things in this game. Honestly. Well, maybe just one; there will never be a sequel. And possibly; the main campaign story should have been longer (if only just by a few new levels).

The Bottom Line
In my opinion, the greatest science-fiction first-person-shooter game EVER - or, on the PlayStation 2, at least. Due to the age, this game can be found very cheap (I got my copy for just £4.99!!), and those who have already bought it should know the wonders it gives. Even the gaming critics, like major online gaming websites, love this game - which is significant because most critics under-rate games like these. Great graphics, interesting plot, huge weapons arsenal, massive amount of characters, dozens of arcade levels and modes, this game is not to be missed out on! Shame there isn't a sequel...

PlayStation 2 · by Reborn_Demon (127) · 2006


Subject By Date
Sci-fi Fans must play this game Matt Neuteboom (976) May 22, 2007


1001 Video Games

TimeSplitters: Future Perfect appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.


  • Story levels "Machine Wars" and "Something to Crow About" play similar to "Robot Factory" in TimeSplitters 2, considering that you fight robots similar in ability to ChassisBots and SentryBots. Also, you get involved in taking out energy sources, much like the energy nodes in "Robot Factory".
  • Peekaboo Jones' relatives Mordecai Jones and Elijah Jones are in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect and TimeSplitters 2 respectively.


  • Cortez's catchphrase is "Time to split!". Throughout the game he says the catchphrase before he begins to time travel, even though each of his sidekicks expresses their disliking of it.
  • In the level "The Russian Connection", in the beginning of the level if the player ventures to the basement of a nearby shack, they can hear two guards talking through a door. The first guard expresses his displeasure of not having the same uniforms as the female troops, who get to wear breezy skirts on hot summer days. A disturbed second guard asks why he is telling him this information, and the first comments that he feels that the second guard is "not like the other troops." The second guard becomes disgusted as the first guard says "We are alone now, and the time for talking is behind us. Now is the time for action...". The first guard then tries to engage in sexual activities with the second guard, much to the second guard's extreme disliking and protest.
  • Not to far inside the entrance to Khallos' secret underground base in the level "The Russian Connection", two henchwomen can be heard talking about the Brotherhood of Ultra-science (Jacob Crow's secret cult). One henchwoman expresses her hesitation to join, while the other, who has already joined, tries and assures her of the brotherhood's well-being. Towards the end, the hesitant henchwoman asks about the initiation ceremony, to which the first replies that it is completely fine, except that "it still hurts to sit down".
  • In the level "The Khallos Express", two henchwomen can be heard. One notes that the train is in chaos and that can only mean one thing: Harry Tipper is on board. Both then go on discussing how they can sexual abuse Harry Tipper if they get a chance to capture him.
  • In the level "The Khallos Express", if the player sits by the door to one of the bathrooms, a woman can be heard inside shouting "Argh, it's like giving birth!"
  • There is a running joke throughout the game that is featured in every level except the last. In each level there appears and enemy soldier that is either drunk or delusional in some way. You can kill this man, but if you allow him to speak for long enough he will usually go on a rant about his work or his bosses.


General references

  • At the start of the level "You Take The High Road", R-110 is seen dancing in the submarine as it descends to the mining facility. This is a reference to the film Evolution, where Harry Block is dancing in the lift descending to the meteorite crater.
  • At the top of a flight of stairs in the horror-esque 'Hotel' multiplayer map, there are blooded hand prints on the wall accompanied by the word RUDREM, a reference to the words REDRUM (murder spelled backwards) from the novel The Shining. The stair room in the 'Hotel' map also looks completely identical to a room in The Shining.
  • Edwina and Deadwina are spoofs on the girl from The Exorcist. When choosing Deadwina for the arcade mode, she quotes a line taken directly from the movie.
  • In arcade mode, when you choose the Ginger Bread man, he says "bite my crunchy brown ass!". This is a reference to Bender's catchphrase in the cartoon Futurama, which is "Bite my shiny metal ass."
  • In the mission "Something to Crow About", R-110 hacks into several security doors, which protest at first but eventually respond with "Welcome, friends!" in a sighing voice, a reference to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book series. In it, the ship doors would sigh in pleasure and thank the characters when being used.
  • In the "You Genius, U-Genix" mission the security guard yells out "Game over man, Game over!" This line is taken directly from the 1986 film Aliens. In fact, if you choose the character in the mapmaker he is named Private Hudson, the name of the character who said the line in the film. Another line from the movie appears in the mission "Time to Split", when the marines yell out "They're coming out of the walls! They're coming out of the goddamn walls!”.
  • Jacob Crow's last word is "Rosebud", a reference to the dying word of Kane from the movie Citizen Kane.
  • On the level where you kill "Princess", the contraption that Jo-Beth is on is the fire cage from Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom.
  • R-110's dying line is "I only wanted to be loved," a reference to the movie Battle Royale.
  • Starship Troopers reference: When you are trying to help Past Cortez from being killed by the TimeSplitters on the beach, you can hear one of the men yelling "Come on! Do you want to live forever!".
  • The character "Cyborg Chimp" is a primate conversion of Murphy/RoboCop from the movie RoboCop.
  • The characters Leo Krupps and Schmidt have a very similar quote to the catchphrase of Tony The Tiger. The reason for this is that the voice over for these two characters, and Cortez as well, was done by Tom Clarke Hill, who is the current voice talent behind Tony The Tiger in the UK.
  • The "Machine Wars" missions are a homage to the Terminator series. Both feature self-aware killer robots, a post-apocalyptic setting, and a squad of humans trying to protect the future of humanity. Also, both are also set in the future.
  • The theme music from the Venice multiplayer level is rather long. A few minutes in, the music changes radically, and launches into a verse that is directly lifted from the movie A Clockwork Orange.
  • There is a worker called Vlad the Installer, named after Vlad the Impaler, the ruthless aristocratic ruler whom Count Dracula is based on.
  • There is a reference to Isaac Asimov in the briefing to the challenge "Balls Of Steel". It states the first rule of robotics, "A robot can never harm a human being".
  • Three of the engines in the level "You Take the High Road" are named "Manticore", "Volante" and "Liparus." These are the names of boats in the James Bond movies. Also, when we first see Khallos, he is petting a cat, which is also a reference to Ernst Stavro Blofeld, a recurring Bond enemy. Interestingly, Khallos' cat is actually mechanical, a subtle reference that he is too pathetic an enemy to carry a real cat as an evil genius. Inside of his neck is a button which springs a trap on Cortez and Harry Tipper. Once freed from the trap, Cortez can go up to the cat and use it like an RC Car. The game even uses the cat in challenge scenarios where players must race the cat around various tracks.
  • When you are at Crow's computer, when you activate the countdown/self-destruct sequence, the monitor will display the message "You didn't say the magic word" and will have a little guy laughing and shaking his finger. This a reference to the first Jurassic Park film.
  • The character of Cortez is very similar to that of Riddick from Pitch Black and The Chronicles Of Riddick.
  • The drill that takes Cortez and R-110 deeper to the end of the level "You Take The High Road" stops at 20,000, a reference to the book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne. Also R-110 alludes to another one of Jules Verne's works by saying Journeying to the centre of the Earth? Oooooh."
  • The name for Robot Louis Stevenson, a robotic character, is a play on the famous author Robert Louis Stevenson's name.
  • The level "What Lies Beneath", the boss battle for Princess contains references to the movie Jaws. Cortez must defeat the boss by shooting the gas canister in its mouth, the exact same way Jaws is defeated in the movie. When the fight starts, you can hear Anya say "smile, you bitch" over the radio, a line from the movie.
  • When Cortez subverts the R-110 droid at the beginning of the "Machine Wars" level, it says "By your command". This is a reference to the Cylons from both incarnations of Battlestar Galactica.

Video game references

  • Cortez's dancing during the credits is a parody of the dance routine during the credits of Minority Report: Everybody Runs.
  • In one of the levels, you have to go undercover as a scientist. Your code name is "Freeman," a clear reference to the hero of Half-Life and Half-Life 2.
  • In the level "What Lies Beneath", a computer comes on and contains an audio log. This is a reference to Doom³'s feature of audio logs on PDA's. In addition, the man in the audio log seems to have trouble remembering the passcode for the supply locker, also a reference to the ridiculous amount of locker combos the game contains.
  • The "Mansion of Madness" and "What Lies Beneath" missions bare strong resemblance to the game Resident Evil. Both take place in a mansion, have ravenous zombies, are locations for secret experiments, and are destroyed by a massive viral outbreak.

Perfect Dark references

  • Story level "Breaking And Entering" is a mission that acts much similar to the Perfect Dark level "DataDyne Central: Defection". Both involve being on a rooftop, taking out security, and making your way to someone's private office, and then into the labs below the building. Also, like Joanna Dark, Amy Chen is also investigating a company's research.
  • In "Something to Crow About", R-110 unexpectedly gets its own personality, much like Dr. Caroll.

Voice acting

Free Radical's 2004 game Second Sight used the same voice actors.

Information also contributed by Mark Ennis, Matt Neuteboom, and STU2


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Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 17340
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Max Dyckhoff.

PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 added by Plok. Xbox One, Xbox Series added by Eufemiano Bullanga.

Additional contributors: Opipeuter, MegaMegaMan, Plok, FatherJack.

Game added April 14, 2005. Last modified December 24, 2024.