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Police Quest: SWAT 2

Moby ID: 153

Windows credits (1998)

545 people (510 professional roles, 35 thanks) with 597 credits.

Design Susan Frischer
Lead Programming Victor Sadauskas
Programming Ed Critchlow, Jason Hickingbottom, Jay Lee, Terry McHenry, Sean Mooney, John Rettig, Greg Tomko-Pavia, Bryan Waters, Jackie Woodall
Graphics / Artwork Jurgen Brenkert, Jay Christopher Esparza, Michael Hutchison, Darrell Johnson, Becky Kosuge, Travis Leonard, Ananda Linde, Scott Mutter, Christopher Willis
Art Director Michael Hutchison
QA Lead Danny A. Woolard, John Ratcliffe
QA Manager Michael D. Jones
QA Assistant Manager Steve Deckert
QA Analysts Michael Brosius, Joe Carper, Nathan Clark, Judy Crites, James R. Gisler, Scott Howell, Jillian Leonard, Marsha McCarty, Rich Robinson, Cindy Romero, Douglas Wheeler, James Romero, Bobby Steele
Executive Producer Craig Alexander
Producer Oliver Brelsford
Writing / Dialogue / Story Susan Frischer
Additional Art Jon Bock, Deanna Yhalkee, Mark Aro, Renee Dunlop, Keith Landes
Composer Jason Hayes
Sound Designer Jason Ramirez
AI Architects Greg Tomko-Pavia, Jay Lee
Project Coordinator Shannon Haynes
Content Consultant Daryl F. Gates
System Architect Victor Sadauskas
Special Thanks To Jerry Bowerman, Mark Budge, Susan Chudy, Christine Cicchi, Sandi Clickner, Frank Costa (Calmat), Georgia Doolittle, Robert Fischer, Lorraine Guerra, Bruce Hammerich, Beverly Lexvold, Jack Nichols, Polly Starkey, Richard Starkey, Paul Trowe, Margie Walling-McFee, Ken Williams, Emergency Data Systems - Houston Texas, Adrian Bencomo (Mike's Liquors), Scott Parenti (Parenti's Arms), The FJ Vollmer Co., Andrew Lamprey (LAPD SWAT), Rick Massa (LAPD SWAT), Greg Coleman (Fresno PD SWAT), Richard Hill (Fresno PD SWAT), Henry Jacobo (Fresno PD SWAT), Michael Palomino (Fresno PD SWAT), Tom Rowe (Fresno PD SWAT), Bill Doley (Fresno PD SWAT), Clayton Smith (Fresno PD SWAT), Jason Serrano (Fresno PD SWAT), Tim Tietjan (Fresno PD SWAT), Richard Montejano (Fresno PD), Brad Stevens (Fresno PD), All the men and women of the LAPD and Fresno SWAT Teams for their help and support
PR Manager Monika Moulin
Product Marketing Manager David Gehringer
Brand Managers Jeff Hoff, Brad Bethune
Asst. Brand Manager Esmee Williams
President & CEO, Cendant Software Christopher K. McLeod
Business Unit Manager Randy Dersham
VP of Consumer Products Todd Coyle
VP of Sales Danny Kearns
AI Consultant Alan B. Clark
Video Processing Tony Hernandez
Audio Processing Jim Matson
Additional Audio Randy Littlejohn, Craig Denny, Ron Lawson
Additional Writing Ananda Linde, Danny A. Woolard
Print Production Manager Lori Lucia
Manual Design & Production Kerri W. Kane, Lori Lucia
Manual Writers Susan Frischer, Terry McHenry, Greg Tomko-Pavia, Oliver Brelsford, Danny A. Woolard
Manual Proofreader Leslie Balfour
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Music Chance Thomas
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Lyrics Susan Frischer, Chance Thomas
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Performed by Randy Porter
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Guitars Rich Dixon
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Rhythm Section Chance Thomas
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Cross-Talk Jason Ramirez
Title Song: "Just Another Day in L.A.": Engineers Chance Thomas, Steve Lerud
Web Administrator Tony Hernandez
Web Group Jason Hayes, Jon Meek, Richard Powell, Terry Robinson, William Shockley
Voice Direction Susan Frischer
Voice Audio Engineer Randy Yount
Casting Agent Jamie Lopez
Voice Cast Ron Simons (Chief), Michael Shapiro (Sgt. Markossian; Suspect; Gangster; Vehicle Driver), Scott Burns (Dante; Officer; Robber; Lawyer; Finch; Gangster; Hostage; Bank Manager; Lineman), Henry Dardenne (Basho; Hostage), Sean G. Griffin (Mayor; Suspect; Newscaster; Hostage; Doctor), Ernie Pino (Sgt. Alvarez; Shooter; Gangster; Patient), Stephan Weyte (Chopper Pilot; Terrorist; Kellor; Suspect; Patient), Ken Boynton (Tank Driver; Terrorist; Suspect; Hostage; Nurse), Rob Granlund (Officer; Suspect; Gangster; Hostage; Staff; Victim), John Patrick Lowrie (Tammany; Officer; Security Guard; Hostage), Chuck McQuary (Officer; Terrorist; Hostage; Journalist), Eric Mills (Officer; Terrorist; Dispatcher; Hostage; Dockman; Robber), Robert Nadir (Officer; Terrorist; Gangster; Hostage; Newscaster), Billy O'Sullivan (Child Hostage), David Scully (Chadwick; Officer; Terrorist; Suspect; Gangster), Arnie Stenseth (Terrorist; Suspect; Gangster; Hostage; TV Station Manager), Chris Wicklund (Officer; Gangster; Hostage), Bob Wright (Officer; Terrorist; Paramedic; PA Announcer; Gangster), Anne Christianson (Officer; Suspect; Hostage), Elizabeth Dixon (Tammany's Daughter; Child Hostage; Wounded Terrorist Child), Krisha Fairchild (Suspect; Gangster; Hostage; Patient; Newscaster; Female Lineperson), Xuan-Ha Hoang (Convenience Store Owner), Tracey Leigh (Terrorist; Suspect; Hostage; Nurse; Journalist; Child Hostage), Lori Lynner (Terrorist; Hostage; Bystander; Suspect; Gangster; Servant), Kari McGee (Maid; Suspect; Gangster; Hostage; Nurse; Bystander; Child Hostage; Missy Kellor), Lauren Tewes (Dispatch; Terrrist; Tammany's Wife; Hostage; Child Hostage), Laurel Anne White (Officer; Suspect; Security Guard; Hostage; Doctor; Newspaper Editor), Kate Wisniewsky (Terrorist; Kellor's Wife; Hostage), Chopper [Terrorist Dog]
Officer photographs Daniel Esgrow
Officer photos modeled by the LAPD Al Reyes, Alfonso Figueroa, Alvaro F. Cota, Andrea Balter, Andrew Castro, Art Silva, Arthur Aguilar, Auston Price, Beth Heim, Bob Kain, Bruce A. Barber, Bruce Hunt, C. Lee McMillion, Charles Wampler, Charles Wohlfeiler, Chris A. Rowles, Dan Sanchez, Daniel C. Bunch, Daniel G. Thompson, Daniel Skinner, Don Anderson, Douglas J. Dingman, Edward Maytorena, Enrique Anzaldo, Ernest G. Jones, Gil Pinel, Gina Holmstrom, Hector R. Feliciano, Herman L. Warren, Howard Leslie, Jack Schonely, Jaime Rubalcava, James E. Veenstra, James R. Deurmeler, Jerry E. Moya, Jerry Mayeda, Jim Barlow, John Kent, John Mead, John P. Jenal, Jon Tippet, Jose A. Rios, Keith Provin, Kenneth A. Thatcher, Kenneth M. Montague, Kevin Brawner, L. David Christian, Lou Villalobos, Louis Reyes, Manuel Redruello, Mark Akiyoshi, Mark J. Tico, Mary Davis, Michael H. Baker, Ossie Crenshaw, P. D. Shattuck, Paul G. Torrence, Peter D. Weireter, Ralph W. Holcombe, Randal D. Simmons, Richard J. Ludwig, Richard J. Rakitis, Richard Spackman, Rick C. Neil, Robert B. Guzman, Robert Brannon, Robert J. Cottle, Robert R. Melchior, Roger A. Blackwell, Rolando Solano, Ronald C. Stamps, Ronald W. Gray, Scott D. Brown, Stephen J. Scallon, Steve Gordon, Steve Zipperman, Steven A. Griffith, Steven Gomez, Steven R. Stear, Thomas C. Jones, Thomas Chinappi, Tom Runyon, Tim Blake, Todd A. Rheingold, William P. Kelly, Wilson Wong
Terrorist, hostage, innocent, bystander photographs David Ashcraft
Terrorist, hostage, innocent, bystander photos modeled by Aaron Nicols, Abraham Anaya, Adrian Alvarez, Alain Jeschien, Alec Vallintine, Alex Au Yeung, Alice Alvarez, Alvin Ling, Ananda Linde, Anita D. Brown, Ann Hover, Anna Mott, Annie Wilson, Anthony Bechtel, Anthony Rozzano, Art Laguna, Austin Brown, Barbara Shannon, Becky Kosuge, Berl Hubbell, Blythe Barrow, Bonnie Dean, Brad Marick, Brandee Prugh, Brandon Bottoms, Brandy Winton, Brent Hale, Brian Richter, Brian Wright, Bruce Gomes, Bruce Hammerich, Bruno Ruacho, Bryan Parisi, Bud Brown, Burke Stauss, Buzz Jones, Carmen Joyner, Carol Condrich, Carol Gillilan, Carole Dzerigian, Carter Crosby, Chad DeLong, Chad Scalzo, Chad Walling, Chance Baer, Charis Ashcraft, Charlie Summers, Chris Alvarez, Chris Bainford, Chris Nelsen, Christy Welk, Chuck Niemeyer, Cindy Bamford, Cirilo Gonzalez, Corey Cole, Cornelia Rush, Craig Christianson, Craig McGowen, Cristal Stout, Dalles Fleming, Dan Netz, Daniel Ham, Daniel Peters, Darrell Johnson, Darren Ridge, Daryle Smith, David Agraua, David Ardemagni, David Dzerigian, David Gee, David Gehringer, David Hailpern, David Lopez, David Sims, David W. Stout, Dena Hight, Denise Holmes, Denise Jones, Denise Oneill, Dennis Cabuco, Dennis Stagnaro, Devon Granillo, Don Kova Kovich, Don Robbins, Doreen Bishop, Douglas E. Lowe, Ed Critchlow, Ed Hladek, Ed Hughes, Eileen Robison, Eirain Cotto, Eleanor Foster, Elijah Lewis, Ellicia Anaya, Eric Wiens, Ernest Flores, Fernando Ruiz, Florencia Jay Navarrette, Frank Granillo, Frank Larsen, George Gozalez, Georgia Doolittle, Gerald Armstrong, Gerald Finney, Gery Reg, Guo Xing, He Er Lai, Helen Klebanova, Holly Bragg, Ian Duggan, Ira D. White, J. C. Wilson, Jack Nichols, Jack Spain, Jackie Woodall, Jacob Dias, Jacob Tarvin, James Clarkson, James R. Gisler, James R. Reynolds, Janice Russel, Janus Anderson, Jason McDowell, Jason Ramirez, Javier Gómez, Jay Hale, Jeannie Habben, Jeffrey Norton, Jenni, Jennifer Dye, Jenny O'Brien, Jerry Hunziger, Jesse Ramos, Jill Kepler, Jillian Leonard, Jim Matson, Jimmy Boyd, Jodie Ball, Joel Joyner, John Bates, John Costacis, John Gee, Jon Meek, John Pocock, John Ratcliffe, John Slinkard, John Sukowski, John Tate, John Trauger, John Widell, Joseph Cohen, Joshua Carlson, Joshua James, Joyce A. Lowe, Jun Reg, Jurgen Brenkert, Justin Hamilton, Karen S. Lewis, Karin Nestor, Karl Cicazi, Kathy Gilcrest, Keith Cooper, Ken Bryson, Ken Hart, Ken O. Cates, Ken Prugh, Kenneth Gooch, Kevin Hiner, Kevin Koken, Kevin McGowen, Kimberly Hill, Kirk Fowler, Kristin Lawless, Kurt Suitor, Kyle Oakes, Larry Cook, Larry Jaquay, Larry Vickels, Lawrence Alvarado, Leon Gee, Leonard Anthony, Les Hankinson, Leslie Balfour, Linda Dias, Linda Gowens, Linda Lubken, Lori Ann Cole, Lori Lucia, Lynn Mathias, Lynn Smith, Margaret Margrey, Margie Walling-McFee, Mark Clark, Mark Madderra, Mark Mendoza, Mark Smith, Mark Aro, Mark Young, Marlon Celedon, Marsha McCarty, Martin Monsalve, Mary Gonazalez, Mary Rogers, Melissa Alley, Michael Dietmeyer, Michael Harris, Michael Rossi, Michael David Simms, Michael Smith, Michael Soares, Mike Bergeron, Mike Colvard, Mike Hansen-Sedor, Mike McGowen, Minor Gee, Monika Moulin, Morgan Guerbe, Nan King, Nancy Chudy, Nancy Grimsley, Natalie Engel, Natalie Rhoan, Neil Sprouse, Nichol A. Frye, Nick Ardemagni, Nicole Beatie, Nicole Randazzo, Niki Frye, Olexandra Kononova, Paddy Coon, Pam Alley, Paul Dean, Paul Durrell, Paul Giley, Paul Goeman, Paul J. Ramos, Paul Mazurek, Paul Russell, Paula Shilling, Pauline Hughes, Penny Ison, Polly Starkey, Preben Javier, Priscilla Tovar, Randy Davis, Raymond M. Alvardo, Renaldo Vallejo, Renee Dunlop, Richard Powell, Richard Evans, Richard Fowler, Rich Robinson, Richard Hansen, Richard Hoffman, Richard Mortianez, Richard Starkey, Rick Covard, Rick Hunwardsen, Rob Wyrick, Robbin Rowe, Robert Alei, Robert Berkovich, Robert Evans, Robert Griffin, Robert Tiller, Robert Tirado, Roberta Young, Robin Bradley, Robin Phanco, Robin Walker, Rod Balch, Rod Clifton, Roland Brady, Ron Dale, Ron Lawson, Rosa Martinez, Rose Hunt, Rosemary Silva, Roxanne Baer, Roxanne Seliger, Russ Perry, Rusty Anderson, Ryan Ardemagni, Ryan Fellows, Sandi Clickner, Sandra Stout, Sandy Balch, Scott Diorio, Scott Howell, Scott Murphy, Scott Welkoevsky, Sean Mooney, Shane Mohler, Shannon Haynes, Shaunna Sullivan, Shay Youngblood, Sherri Ridge, Shirla Willems, Skip Dysar, Souriyong Vong, Stefan Frauhammer, Stephanie Walls, Steve Deckert, Steve Peters, Susan Chudy, Terry McHenry, Terry Gee, Terry Robinson, Thay Moua, Tia Cohen, Tim Daugherty, Tim Loucks, Todd Colburn, Tom Bryant, Tom Craven, Toni Dee Granillo, Toni Walker, Tonia Norton, Tony B. Stauss, Tracy Barkley, Ty Cilluffo, Voon Jhin Chan, Wendell E. Boyd, Wendy Carter, Whitney Davis, Wilber Carraway, Willard J. Foster, Winifred Wilson, Wm Crow

German Version

Localisation Germany Antje Hink
Translation Stefan Asef, Michael Anton
Text Editor Albrecht Schreiber
Dialogue Director Cornelia Bitsch, Antje Hink
Sound Director Matthias Schulz
Casting Cornelia Bitsch
Voice Cast Helmut Woestmann (Sgt. Alvarez), Baldur Seifert (Dante), Stefan Müller-Ruppert (Basho), Christian Simon (Officer; tank driver; terrorist; suspect; hostage; nurse; dockman), Peter Engel (Officer; terrorist; suspect; gangster; hostage; employee; victim; lawyer; Finch; bank manager; worker), Berth Wesselmann (Sgt. Markossian; officer; helicopter pilot; terrorist; gangster; Tammany; patient; guard; hostage; paramedic; central), Thomas Killinger (officer; terrorist; hostage; reporter), Christoph Lüdke (chief; mayor; suspect; reporter; hostage; doctor; terrorist; Kellor; suspect Chadwick; TV manager), Cornelia Bitsch (officer; terrorist; suspect; maid; hostage; nurse; reporter; spectator), Karin Giesbertz (officer; terrorist; suspect; gangster; hostage; Kellors wife; reporter; wounded terrorist child; Tammanys daughter; Missy Kellor), Manuela Romberg (officer; terrorist; suspect; gangster; patient; guard; hostage; doctor; Tammanys wife; reporter; worker; child hostage; central)
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Credits contributed by Wizo, Accatone, Riamus.