Otaku no Seiza: An Adventure in the Otaku Galaxy
Fuyuu City is a futuristic town in a land where the entire power is in the hands of women, who are much stronger than men. Five beautiful, clever, and strong women form a group called "Aurora". They are the ones who control Fuyuu City and its surroundings. A nameless guy winds up in Fuyuu City with his memory lost. He is outraged by what he sees there, and decides to help the discriminated men.
Otaku no Seiza is a Japanese-style role-playing game with humorous overtones. The gameplay system closely follows the Dragon Quest template: the player navigates the hero and his companions over a top-down world map, visiting towns and dungeons, and engaging in first-person turn-based battles against randomly appearing enemies. Characters can execute special attacks called "Force". Leveling up is automatic, and interaction with characters and the environment requires selecting "Talk" and "Search" commands from a menu, respectively.
- おたくの星座 - Japanese spelling
Groups +
Credits (NES version)
20 People
Story (ストーリー) |
Character Design (キャラクターデザイン) |
Scenario (シナリオ) |
Director (ディレクター) |
Producer (プロデューサー) |
Game Design (ゲームデザイン) |
Program (プログラム) |
Sound (サウンド) |
Sound Driver (uncredited) | |
Graphic (グラフィック) |
Test Player (テストプレイヤー) |
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Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Unicorn Lynx.
Additional contributors: FAM.
Game added September 4, 2013. Last modified September 12, 2023.