In 3195, Hokuto Higara, Shario Vissen, and their comrades join together in a fight against Huge Boss who has plans to render the human race extinct. To do this, the heroes will need to travel through various time periods in the past chasing down Huge Boss, whose disrupting human history.
Gekirindan is a vertical scrolling shoot-em-up. Players can choose from three different ship types (biplane, helicopter, and space fighter) to pilot, each equipped with their own unique firepower.. The game consists of 5 stages where the heroes travel through time from 3195 to 1942, 1999, 2373 and finally to 4580.
Some of the development team who helped create the game came from the recently defunct at the time Toaplan, hence the game sharing similarities to that companies previous shoot-'em-up efforts.
- ゲキリンダン - Japanese Katakana spelling
- 逆鱗弾 - Japanese spelling
Groups +
Credits (Arcade version)
23 People (18 developers, 5 thanks)
Producer |
Program |
System Engineer |
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Design | |
CG Design |
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Special Thanks |
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Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Alaka.
Antstream added by lights out party.
Additional contributors: Rik Hideto.
Game added December 13, 2020. Last modified October 28, 2024.