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The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal

aka: The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal - Morrowind Expansion Pack, The Elder Scrolls III: Trójca
Moby ID: 7884
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The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal is an expansion to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

A ruthless king has taken the throne of Morrowind. An aging god drifts more and more into madness. Deadly assassins follow close behind you. Travel you will into Mournhold capital city of Morrowind and the Clockwork City of Sotha Sil. Explore epic dungeons, fight new monsters, and obtain new weapons and armor. A new journal system allows you to sort quests so no more headaches trying to figure out which quests you've completed and which you have yet to start. Also you can add notes to your map to help sort things out.


  • 上古卷轴III:审判 - Simplified Chinese spelling

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Credits (Windows version)

53 People · View all

Project Leader
Lead Designer
Lead Programmer
Lead Artist
Lead Character Artist
Writing and Quest Design
Additional Programming
World Art and Building
Additional World Art and Building
Character and Creature Art
[ full credits ]



Average score: 82% (based on 27 ratings)


Average score: 4.1 out of 5 (based on 60 ratings with 2 reviews)

More of the same. And that's a good thing.

The Good
Tribunal is small, compared to Morrowind. It only has about 40-60 new hours of gameplay to Morrowind's 100s or even 1000s if you are an avid RPGer like me. But it is still great, and here is why.

Tribunal fixes two issues in Morrowind: The journal, and the Automap. I didn't even mention this in my review because they didn't bug me; I have a pretty good memory for game things and rarely need to check my journal.

Anyways, the journal before simply listed entries by order of when they were put in, and no entries ever left, even when you completed the related quest. This resulted in a very large, very hard to sort through journal. Topics are new sorted by quest and that is a big help.

The new automap feature is that you can add your own notes to the automap. This is a big help, although the lack of it wasn't a problem previously. When you drop that Daedric Longsword you just can't carry any further out in the wilderness, it's nice to know that you'll be able to find it again.

Those are not the main highlights of the expansion, however. The primary new 'thing' is that you can travel (after a bit of work) to the city of Mournhold.

Mournhold is on the mainland of Morrowind, not the island of Vvardenfell that the game Morrowind is set on. Morrowind surrounds Vvardenfell completely, like a doughnut. You can't venture out to the mainland, only the city is open to explore, but what an exploration that is! There are a nice amount of side-quests in the large city, and a multitude of new weapons, armor, NPCs, and even architecture styles.

There are new monsters to fight, too; Goblins and Liches among them. They are made very well, considerably better then the original Morrowind ones I think.

The main quest in Mournhold draws you in almost instantly. I don't want to give too much away, but I'll say that the quest is brilliant. It's a lot more linear then the rest of Morrowind, but that also allows the story to be much stronger. The tale of the Three Gods of Morrowind, the Tribunal, is much more complex and it is really finished with Tribunal. The conclusion left me feeling a bit sad, but very interested-- this isn't one of those games where everything is answered at the end, oh no!

Tribunal's '40 hours' are worth more then a hundred in Morrowind.

The Bad
Nothing was wrong with Tribunal. Problems remain from Morrowind, but actually Tribunal fells much more alive. I've never played an expansion as close to perfect as Tribunal was ('close to' since perfect can never be attained!).

The Bottom Line
Tribunal is a must-have for Morrowind players, and for those who don't have Morrowind, you may want to reconsider with this added solid 40 hours of gameplay! The story is brilliantly designed and one of the best I've encountered in an RPG.

Windows · by ShadowShrike (277) · 2003

New quests, new monsters, new journal, same bad gameplay.

The Good
They fixed that damned journal! Though I'm still pissed they didn't fix that with a PATCH like they should have.

New monsters and dungeons were interesting. I suppose if you enjoyed Morrowind, you'll enjoy this. "A hundred more hours of gameplay" they say. I admit, I didn't get very far in the expansion.

The Bad
Just about everything that was bad (except the journal) in Morrowind is just as bad in this game. They didn't improve gameplay at all. Not a bit. The game is still remarkably easy, the quests are still of the same variant ("go here, kill them" or "go here and talk to this guy").

Multiplayer would have been an interesting addition, but on a game like this, that seems impossible.

I can't believe I forgot to mention the number one reason why I dislike this expansion; the fact that it's a retail expansion. One of the biggest selling points (not that I needed one - I would have paid any amount of money for Morrowind...that is, before I played it and realized what a bad game it was) for Morrowind was that you could download and install ANY kind of mod imaginable with little to no hassle whatsoever. They even promised that they'd be releasing free mods all the time to download. They didn't break this promise...however, the official mods available for download are small, pathetic mods. And then they bring us this, this much larger mod...but not large enough for me to shell out thirty bucks for it. No, Bethesda, this is an even bigger insult than Morrowind. It would be like traveling to some starving country and promising them food, only to bring them rotten apples. And then to offer them some nice juicy steak - if they're willing to pay for it.


The Bottom Line
If you hated Morrowind, this expansion won't improve it enough for you to enjoy it. If you liked Morrowind and want some more of it, you'll enjoy this.

Windows · by kbmb (415) · 2003


Dark Brotherhood

Members of the Dark Brotherhood seen under the city of Mournhold were last seen in Daggerfall when the Dark Brotherhood was a guild the player could actually join. Their leader, the King of Worms, ascended to godhood and it is something of a mystery as to who is pulling their strings now.


The goblins found under the city of Mournhold were last seen in Arena. As a nice nod to their roots, the goblins in this game make the same frog-like noises when they fight with the player as they did in Arena.


In Morrowind, there were two (almost) naked Nords in the game, one who wanted you to chase a witch and one who was paralyzed. In Tribunal, there's a naked Nord in one of the gardens who firmly denies any connection with wizards or witches, and says it's just because the weather is quite hot around there. If the player pushes the topic, the Nord goes into a rant about stereotypes and how a naked Nord can't get any piece around these parts.

Information also contributed by Jason Musgrave



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  • MobyGames ID: 7884
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Blackhandjr.

Additional contributors: Kartanym, Unicorn Lynx, Jeanne, JRK, ShadowShrike, Cantillon, Patrick Bregger, Plok.

Game added December 5, 2002. Last modified November 24, 2024.