Tunnel B1
Description official descriptions
You are on a mission to destroy the ultimate weapon of your enemy. This involves travelling through a set of precarious tunnels in your high-tech hover-craft. The tunnels are filled with enemy vehicles, choppers and sentry guns which you have to take out or avoid. To make life even worse, a lot of sections require you to clear them in a given time limit. The only good thing is that you'll be able to upgrade your weaponry often.
- 3Dミッション・シューティング ファイナリスト - Japanese spelling
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Credits (DOS version)
24 People · View all
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PC Conversion | |
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PC Polygon Engine | |
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[ full credits ] |
Average score: 72% (based on 25 ratings)
Average score: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 14 ratings with 1 reviews)
The Good
Tunnel B1 had the potential of a revolutionary game, with its apparently simple arcade concept and its first person approach.
The graphics are stunning, the games uses a 3D engine that works great even on low-end systems, it has different resolutions and interlaced modes. The movies are also amazing (they are also interlaced), and their feeling is just great. I've always thought that the Neon logo is one of the most brilliant ever, along with the Cryo logo. Sometimes you can imagine what a company can do just by looking at the logo. But when you see the explosions ant the stunning textures, lens flares, lights, you are forced to go on.
Also, the sound is pretty impressive, it really gives you the feeling that you are riding... the thing you're riding (a ship that acts like a hovercraft). The sound of the machineguns is one of my favourites, and I'm really glad the weapon has infinite ammo.
The game also features upgrades for the many weapons, speed, great levels and thankfully a map for each level, primary and secondary objectives... One of the things that hit you when you first play the game is that the energy power-ups become radioactive waste if you don't rush in picking them up. A very original idea indeed.
The Bad
So here comes the bad part: one thing I've always hated in many games was the irritating difficulty which makes the games unplayable. I'm not saying that the game is impossible, but I really don't understand why I have to break my keyboard and my teeth after only five levels of playing. I mean, I remember that in level 4, I think, there was this helicopter which was almost impossible to defeat because it mostly flew, and you can only fire straight ahead. And it gets harder and harder.
And, of course, the producers probably thought: "what can we do to make it EVEN harder?" So they forced you to replay a mission even if you lost it no the last 15 meters, because you can only save between levels.
The Bottom Line
This is one of the great games that could have been great if they wouldn't have been so difficult. It's mainly for people with a lot of patience, so only play it if you have a lot of time and enjoy hard games
DOS · by h'mik (228) · 2005
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by EboMike.
SEGA Saturn added by Peter Thierolf. Windows added by Foxhack.
Additional contributors: Shoddyan, //dbz:, big jim.
Game added November 10, 2001. Last modified September 13, 2024.