Knight Rider
Knight Rider is a game based on the popular television series of the 1980's. The main characters in the series, and the game are KITT - a computerised car with more gadgets than a Bond car, and Michael Knight the driver.
The plot starts when Michael's boss, Deven discovers that a terrorist group are seeking to disrupt key meetings between East and West and may even be trying to start a third world war.
The game is based around five missions, four of which are related to the story and are listed below, and a random plot.
- The Democratic Convention
- The U.N. Conference
- The Trades Conference
- The Presidential Dinner
Each mission has a defined time for completion. The game play is a combination of first person driving and shooting together with some top down adventure type action.
With each mission the player must drive to a designated location to start. Along the way they will be attacked by waves of missile firing helicopters. The player can choose to drive, and let KITT do the shooting, or let KITT drive so the player can do the shooting. Points are gained for the number of helicopters downed and both the player and KITT are more accurate when being driven slowly, however this eats into the mission time which affects the chance of a successful completion.
Once at the target location the player must manoeuvre Michael around a room filled with crates and guards to look for clues, then it's on to the next location.
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- Happy Computer
- 1986 - Biggest Failure of the Year
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by piltdown_man.
Commodore 64 added by B.L. Stryker. Amstrad CPC added by LepricahnsGold.
Additional contributors: Patrick Bregger.
Game added September 4, 2010. Last modified January 15, 2025.