Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Description official descriptions
In Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, the player takes control of one of thirteen civilizations, including the Chinese, Goths, Britons, and Vikings, among others. The player starts with a handful of villagers, through expansion and careful handling of the economy, the player can advance up to the point where powerful war machines and well trained masses of troops will be the player's to make and control.
There are three distinct ways to play, one of which the object is to hunt and kill the other player(s) king, however there are a lot of options for each, anywhere from what type of map to start on (including coastal, gold rush, arabia, and rivers) to what the maximum amount of units are allowed.
The player can also play online at the Zone vs. up to seven other players, or via a TCP/IP connection.
- 世紀帝國 II:帝王世紀 - Traditional Chinese spelling
- 帝国时代II:帝王时代 - Simplified Chinese spelling
Groups +
- Age of Empires series
- Famous person: Joan of Arc
- Game Engine: Genie
- Gameplay feature: Fog of war
- Gameplay feature: Recordable replays
- Games that include map/level editor
- Games with randomly generated environments
- Historical Conflict: Hundred Years War
- Historical Conflict: The Crusades
- Protagonist: Female (option)
- Setting: Medieval Europe
- Setting: Scottish
- Video games turned into board / card games
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Credits (Windows version)
488 People (171 developers, 317 thanks) · View all
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Average score: 88% (based on 64 ratings)
Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 254 ratings with 9 reviews)
The Good
It did get the mind ticking on how to destroy the enemy, but other than that, I really didn't like it.
The Bad
There were too many different types of people and too many ways to crush them.
Also you need so many matriels to make even the simplest of things and the interface was so long it would take ages to make even 1 soldier!!
The Bottom Line
A general waste of time, money and hard disk. I wouldn't bother if I were you.
Windows · by paul cairey (318) · 2002
A must-have for every RTS fan.
The Good
This game has lovely graphics - it's a pure pleasure to look at those beautiful houses and towers. Proportions of buildings are now improved - you won't see a catapult bigger than stable anymore. People are now much more detailed and environment is much more realistic and varied. Despite being a 2D game, AoE2 still looks good.
Sounds are much more varied than in Age of Empires - instead of saying the same "roggan?" now your villagers are speaking in their native language - when you play Franks, they will speak in French, when Britons - English and so on. Samples of weapons are much better and more realistic than in AoE.
This time, you have 5 campaigns, where you will take place of Joan d'Arc, Saladin, Barbarossa and other famous people. Every mission has short spoken intro and outro. Objectives can change during a gameplay. Most of missions have some scripted interludes. I have to admit, that campaigns are the best thing in whole game.
And of course, there is also a random map, taken almost directly from Age of Empires, but there are some significant differences: first, maps are much bigger and more detailed. Second, there are 13 new civilisations like Vikings, Mongols and Saracens. And third, Ensemble Studios added new gameplay type - Regicide. In Regicide, you try to kill enemy's king, while protecting yours king. Obviously, you can still win by building a Wonder, collecting all relics and simply destroying your opponent.
Your army is now much more intelligent than in AoE, you can change formation of your detachments, and your soldiers don't lose their way anymore. As in AoE, you have plenty of units to train - cavalry archers, camels, trebuchets, galleons, battering rams, and more. Moreover, each civilisation has its own unique unit, unavailable to others. Obviously, there are plenty of technologies which improve your army. Once again, computer player is aggressive and won't let you get bored.
Also, there is a small encyclopaedia. Maybe it doesn't alter a gameplay, but it's nice addition to a game.
The Bad
Well, this section will be short - for unknown reason central and eastern Europe is omitted in the game. And that's all.
The Bottom Line
You may skip Age of Empires, but you have to play it's sequel, if you like RTS. There are still many people who play it by LAN or Internet, so you shouldn't have problems with finding somebody to play.
Windows · by Sir Gofermajster (485) · 2009
The Good
The amount of options you have in this game are incredible. The included mission packs are insanely fun to play, including such famous people as William Wallace and Genghis Khan. There is a lot of game to play, and barely any micro-management is required to keep your cities up and running and to keep on producing units.
An included mission editor makes the game even greater, as any kind of mission you would like to create can be made with an easily learned scripting system.
The Bad
The pathfinding of the units is not perfect, but no pathfinding is perfect, and it is generally better than other games from it's time period.
The Bottom Line
The greatest RTS ever made, with limitless amounts of options for all players, and with the included mission editor, even more options as you can download other peoples works.
Windows · by Charles Auger (2) · 2008
Subject | By | Date |
Missing Unnoficial Add-Ons? | Photon Fighter | Dec 22, 2023 |
Partial credits? | Mtik333 (29530) | Jan 6, 2022 |
1001 Video Games
The PC version of Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
Cut content
Age of Kings, during its development, was subject to many changes. Some things that were cut out of the final game are...
- A fifth resource: ore. Was removed because it made the game too complex.
- Outlaw units. These were intended to function like wolves, guys that belong to no player and attack you if you get near. Were removed because they were too annoying.
- Sea walls. These were supposed to be built by ships and could withstand a good amount of damage. I'm not sure why they weren't included.
- Dolphins: you were supposed to be able to fish these like any other sort of fish. Microsoft forced Ensemble to remove them.
The interesting thing is, all of those things and more are still hidden in the game, buried inside the .dat file. If you reverse-engineer the game, you are able to access them, and add them to custom scenarios. Templates have been released that contain all of them.
Dry Dock Technology
Dry dock technology decreases the amount of gold a trade cog brings back home. The reduction can be at least 33% in some cases.
It seems to be balanced with the ship speed increase so that the productivity of trade cogs remains about the same as before dry dock research. In some cases I had slightly better gold income (gold/second) before the research of dry docks than after. I did not make a thorough testing with many different distances, but what I did was test it in a deathmatch game too, to be sure it does happen in real games.
The EULA of this game includes a clause which prohibits the use of Age of Empires II in a nuclear plant.
Historical accuracy
The tutorial campaign follows the Scottish knight William Wallace. The final mission is set during the Battle of Falkirk, which the player has to win on Wallace's side to complete the tutorial, but historically the battle ended with the Scottish defeated.
Online servers
The game's online servers (which were hosted on MSN Gaming Zone) were shut down on 19 June 2006 in the wake of MSN Games' shift from "CD-ROM matchmaking service" to casual online games.
Before release, multiple pre-release versions were released on Internet warez sites. According to Matt Pritchard, they usually were only one or two weeks older than the latest in-house versions. It seems they came from various sources, including press previews, Microsoft test versions and even from Ensemble employees. They were also multiple attempts of hacking Ensemble's server and network.
On a lighter note, the German magazine GameStar bribed one of the official webmasters with "German beer" for some exclusive screenshots.
This occurs during the Saladin Single Player campaign, during the mission in which you secure Jerusalem. If you strike down the Knights Templar leader (a hero unit), he declares, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!" This is obviously a reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi dueling Darth Vader in Star Wars: A New Hope.
Between 1999 and 2000, Age of Empires II (PC) won a single Gold- and three Platinum-Awards from the German VUD (Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland - Entertainment Software Association Germany) for selling more then 100,000 units (Gold) and more then three times 200,000 units (Platinum) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As the Gold-Award is not counted into the Platinum-Award, all four awards total in between 700,000 and 1,700,000 units sold.
- Computer Gaming World
- March 2000 (Issue #188) – Best Weapon of the Year (for the Trebuchet)
- March 2000 (Issue #188) – Best Interface Design of the Year
- GameSpy
- 2001 – #16 Top Game of All Time
- GameStar (Germany)
- 1999 - Best Game (Editors' Vote)
- 1999 - Best Game (Readers' Vote)
- PC Gamer
- 1999 - Real-Time Strategy Game of the Year
- PC Player (Germany)
- Issue 01/2000 - Best Real-Time Strategy Game in 1999
- Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland (Entertainment Software Association Germany)
- 1999/2000 - Gold Award for selling more then 100,000 units in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- 1999/2000 - Three Platinum Awards for selling more then 200,000 units in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Every award is counted individually
Information also contributed by Heikki Sairanen, Ingold, jeremy strope, Maw and Xoleras
Related Sites +
Age of Kings A t r i u m Your only source for Age of Kings
A fan site with all the game info. Info on all the different tribes. Great forum & a page with a lot of links to other fan sites .a must site of visited. -
Age of Kings Heaven -
A fan site with all the game info. Info on all the different tribes. a must site of visited. -
AoK Battlefield
The webmasters show a lot of dedication of their site, they even took a visit to the ES office. Updated regularly and has contests for war stories and other things. Nice looking ubb forums in which to post. -
Berserker Clan
A group of keen AoK gamers that compete regularly online. The site has a large number of recorded games, and active forum, and some other game-related downloads. -
IGCD Internet Game Cars Database
Game page on IGCD, a database that tries to archive vehicles found in video games. -
King Arthur's Castle - Camelot
Updated regularly and a nice stylish design. The team of webmasters seem to be very dedicated and it has shown so far. -
Probably the best site to improve your game skills. Many tactics, a strategy forum, recorded games and much more. -
Planet Age Of Empires
A very good website with tons of info and files, including recorded games, maps, scenarios, and AI editing tools. Also has a large forum.
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Rynok.
PlayStation 2 added by Xoleras. Macintosh added by Jeanne.
Additional contributors: MajorDad, P Boughton, Robert Teichmann, Dr. Elementary, Unicorn Lynx, Dapy, Maw, Paulus18950, Patrick Bregger, Plok, Victor Vance, FatherJack, Flapco.
Game added November 2, 1999. Last modified November 24, 2024.