Title Screen
Xyphr (what the heck is that supposed to mean?)
The game's title screen
Version 2.0
Ready to play?
Version 2.0
Level One is called Pyros.
It's boss is a fire breathing Phoenix
Level One is called Pyros.
It's boss is a fire breathing Phoenix and there it is.
Only it's not really, the real boss comes at the end of the level
'P' pauses the game.
The 'ENEMY AHEAD' message means the end of level boss is about to appear
Version 2.0
The end of level one
Version 2.0
Level Two is called MOOT.
It promises towering robots, flying jellyfish and killer satellites. This level's boss is a dragon.
Level Two is called MOOT.
This level's boss is a multi segmented dragon and here it is
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