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aka: Chaser: Défiez l'enfer, Chaser: Fight Your Way Through Hell, Chaser: If You Can Hold A Gun You're Not Dead
Moby ID: 9632



The most dangerous enemy in the first level on the Majestic Station are the doors. Then can kill you instantly if you stay in their way when closing.

German version

In the German version all blood effects (except the ones which appear when the player character gets hurt) were removed. Corpses also disappear instantly.


As of 2006, the soundtrack for the game can be downloaded at Cauldron's site.


JoWood and Cauldron have released several free downloadable add-ons for Chaser including an official map pack (with five new maps), a level editor, and a stand alone server package.

Map pack and/or level editor.

Server pack and/or v1.50 patch.

Information also contributed by ClydeFrog, Karthik KANE and Silmarillion.

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Trivia contributed by Scott Monster, Patrick Bregger.