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Player Reviews
Average score: 2.2 out of 5 (based on 1 ratings)
Really disgusting, not worth playing.
The Good
The graphics in this game were OK. The animation was fine as well. The puzzles were generally reasonable.
The Bad
The game tries way too hard to be edgy, and will exceed most peoples' thresholds for what is appropriate in a game. There is bestiality, murder, strange religious cults, animals happily going to the slaughter, twerking, pornography, and more. But the real kicker was a scene with two prostitutes where one of them kept flipping her skirt up and exposing herself, for no reason at all, just to gross out the player. It's even in one of the official Steam screenshots for the game!
The Bottom Line
The game reminds me of South Park, where they have some legitimately funny ideas, but also feel the need to ruin them half the time with pure gross-out humor. If you like that, you might like this, but this really isn't worth anyone's time.
Windows · by Stuart Feldhamer (11612) · 2020
Contributors to this Entry
Critic reviews added by Tim Janssen.