Raiden II
Moby ID: 9247
[ Arcade add ] [ Windows ]
Windows credits (1997)
6 people
Produced by | Kinesoft Development |
Executive Producer | Peter Sills |
Producer / Project Management | Tom DiDomenico |
Developed by | NuFX Inc. |
Additional Programming by | Andy Glaister |
Special Thanks to | Hard Boiled Testing Inc. |
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MobyPro Early Access
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Bust-A-Move, a group of 3 people
- Samurai Shodown II, a group of 3 people
- Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory, a group of 3 people
- Zeitgeist, a group of 3 people
- Zero Divide, a group of 3 people
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Other Games
MobyPro Early Access
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Andy Glaister on 46 other games
- Peter Sills on 14 other games
- Tom DiDomenico on 9 other games
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Credits contributed by Andy Glaister.