Nickelodeon Party Blast

aka: Nickelodeon Festa Explosiva
Moby ID: 92424

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Windows credits (2002)

95 people (84 professional roles, 11 thanks) with 106 credits.

Infogrames Interactive, Inc.

Producer Erik Harshman
Senior Designer Jennifer McWilliams
Senior Brand Manager Sue Bulson
Executive Producers Stacy Allyn Hendrickson, Eric Hayashi
V.P. of Product Development Scott Walker
Director of Marketing Petrina McPhee
Director of Creative Services Steve Martin
Director of Editorial & Documentation Services Elizabeth Mackney
Graphic Designer Erica Hoppe
Documentation Specialist Randi Kravitz
Copywriter Paul Collin

Infogrames Q.A.

Director of Publishing Support Services Michael H. Gilmartin
Director of Quality Assurance, North America Michael Craighead
Senior Manager Kurt Boutin
Q.A. Managers Randy Lee, Bill Carroll
Certification Head Mark Huggins
Senior Tester Robert Gilkerson
Testers Erik Jeffery, Becky Madore, Daniel Frisoli

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Jerrick Harshman (credited as Jerrick Anakin Harshman), Julie Carr (and Hiker), Sarah Perry, VoiceWorks Production, Former residents of Happy Mansion

Nicklelodeon Interactive

Nicklelodeon Interactive Stephen Youngwood, Aly Sylvester, Erika Ortiz, Manny Fernandez

Data Design Interactive

Development Manager Bill Allen
Programming Julian Alden-Salter, Chris Bell, Karl White, Darren Clarke, Adrian Fox, Rob Ruck, Rob Wilson
Programming Assistance Scott Campbell, Martin Cook, Dave Faller, Gavin Harwood, Scott Newby, Tony Stoddart
Music Earcom Ltd., Paul Weir, Mariko Ohtake, Rob Lord
Sound Effects Paul Weir (Earcom Ltd.)
Sound Co-ordination Chris Greenwood, Bill Allen
Head of Q.A. David Allen
Q.A. Testers Adam Breeden, David Tillotson, Gary Wright, Jay Molloy, Mark Digger, Paul Christopher Bonner, Phillip Ram, Steven Cash
Kiddie Q.A. David Green, Dylan Irmak, Emma Green, Gareth Sibley, Katie Green, Kieran Lindsey, Ross Hickton, Sarah Green, Shaun Lindsey

Artwork and Animation Sequences

Artwork and Animation Sequences ArtWorld Studios
Lead Design Stewart Green
Designers Adrian Fox (Bonus Levels), Chris Bell, Michael Rooker
Head of Art Robert Dorney
Lead Artist Raymond Livings
Art Mark Smith, Michael Rooker, Christopher Black, Henk Venter, Luca Zappala, Barry Keegan, Ed Pattman, David Moulder, Guy De Woolfson, Chris Greenwood, John Cotton, Teoman Irmak
FMV Animation Director Teoman Irmak
FMV Animation Team David Moulder, Michael Rooker, Guy De Woolfson, Luca Zappala, Simeon Hankins

Special Thanks [2]

Special Thanks Stephen Youngwood, Sherice Guillory, Erica David, Benjamin Smith (of Stormfront Digital Pictures), James Harpham (Red Welly Studios), Paul Biver (Red Welly Studios)


Portions of this software copyright 1998-2002 Criterion Software Ltd. and its licensors
Portions of this work were created using software and other material from, All such material is copyright 1999-2002 Telekinesys Research Limited., All rights reserved., See for details.
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Sciere.