Pokémon Stadium 2
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Official Pokémon Stadium 2 website, April 2001

She looks slow, but Miltank is one of the fastest Pokémon around.

If you've been fortunate enough to catch one of the specially colored Pokémon in Gold or Silver, you can load your GB Pak into the Transfer Pak and see what your unusual find looks like in 3D.

More than one Pokémon can be paralyzed, but only one at a time can be asleep or frozen.

The Pokémon Lab, Pokémon Gold or Silver and a Transfer Pak make it easy to examine your GB Pokémon, reorganize your items and much, much more.

You can rent Gold or Silver Pokémon, even extremely rare ones like Hitmontop.

With the Transfer Pak and Pokémon Gold or Silver, you can see - and redecorate - your GB game in glorious 3D!

Slot your Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold or Silver into a Transfer Pak, then go to Professor Oak's lab. You'll find a Pokédex that lets you look at your GB Pokémon in 3D.

If you conquer Round 1 by battling your way through all the Cups, Gym Leader Castle and Rival, the sun will set on White City and you'll enter Round 2. All your opponents are much tougher at night!

The library in Earl's Pokémon Academy is stocked with tons of information.

Earl's tests in the Pokémon Academy will help you become an expert in all things Pokémon!

Trainers like to taunt you - just like in the TV show!

With the Transfer Pak and Pokémon Gold or Silver, you can collect Mystery Gifts from the girl in the Goldenrod City Department Store.

Finish either the four Cups or Gym Leader Castle in Round 1 to win the Duoduo Game Boy Tower, which lets you play Pokémon Red, Blue or Yellow at twice normal speed. Do the same in Round 2 and you'll be able to play your Gold or Silver at twice normal speed.

An unusual Normal- and Psychic-type Pokémon, Girafarig's tail packs quite a punch.

The more Mystery Gifts you receive, the more fun you can have redecorating your room. You can even choose between an N64, Super NES or NES consoles.

Pichu's Power Plant is one of a dozen fun minigames in Pokémon Stadium 2. If use your Pokémon Gold or Silver and a Transfer Pak, you can win coins for the GB Pokémon Game Corner.

To help you assemble the best possible team, Pokémon Stadium 2 provides detailed stats of all Rental Pokémon.

In the Challenge Cup, you'll have to battle with the Pokémon assigned to you. A Level 30 Wooper frequently appears in the first round of this, the ultimate test of pure tactical skills.

A Tour of White City

Gym Leader Castle

Pokémon Lab

My Room


Free Battle

Earl's Pokémon Academy

Stadium (Cups)

GB Tower

Combat Chart

Pokémon.com - Official Game Page [ add images ]
Official USA Pokémon website, August 2012
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