Main Menu
Game Type Selection
Level 1
The Full Game Menu
Plot? Yessiree!
Ship Info.
Customizing the Ship
Entering a Level
A More Typical View of the Game
Level Completion
The 'scorched earth' hidden game
The Infamous Setup Jukebox
Take a look at the ship's paint job, and the projectiles.
The non-interactive demo mode flashes a message across the screen which says INSERT COIN in a tribute to the arcade machine games.
<i>Tyrian 2000</i> introduced a new single-player mode, Timed Battle.
Timed Battle level completion screen.
Setting up a two-player arcade mode.
Two-player arcade mode.
A hidden "Wild" detail setting (Shift+W in the setup menu) will add moving shadows on the ground.
One of the new Super Arcade mode ships is a reference to another game that was published by XSIV Games, <i>Pretzel Pete</i>.
Just as the name suggests, the Pretzel Pete Truck shoots pretzels.
The different coloured orbs are weapon pickups exclusive to the Super Arcade mode.
I've had this game for years and never knew there was a Christmas mode!<br>
Running under DOSBOX
The Christmas mode gives a festively coloured ship that fires candy cane like rockets
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