🕹️ Check out the major LABS update for the platformer Bread & Fred

Muppet RaceMania

aka: Teleñecos RaceMania

Tech Specs/Attributes +

PlayStation +

Controller Types Supported:
Input Device Features Supported:
Gamepads Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Players Supported:
Number of Offline Players:
Save Game Methods:

Memory Card - 1 block

Attributes contributed by Sciere, Hipolito Pichardo.

Ratings +

PlayStation +

ESRB Rating: (Comic Mischief)
USK Rating:
ACB Rating:
ELSPA Rating:

Ratings contributed by Big John WV, Hipolito Pichardo, Sciere, chirinea, qwertyuiop.