Xenophage: Alien BloodSport
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Steam [ add images ]
From the Steam store page.
Apogee Software website, 1998 [ add images ]
Images originally available at: http://apogee1.com/catalog/xenophage/index.html and http://apogee1.com/catalog/xenophage/screenshots.html
Preview, 1994-08-15 [ add images ]
Screenshots from the downloadable preview published by Apogee Software and dated 15 August 1994.

XenoPhage is a new fighting game that will be brought to you by Apogee Software and Argo Games. Great gameplay and unique design work are delivered to you by brand new, high-tech graphic & sound engines.

Huge sprites - shown here at full size! Combatants big enough to swallow other games' characters whole, with shadows that stretch, shear and fade in real-time!

Truly unique characters: Incredible creatures add an entirely new dimension to gameplay.

Huge animated backgrounds: Each hand-drawn background is 960x400 - six times the size of normal VGA screens, with cool, atmosphere enhancing animations.

Multiple video mode support: XenoPhage adapts itself to show the best resolution your system is capabe of - it supports 320x200, 320x400, 640x400, and 640x480, all in 256 colors.

Digita virtual camera: Smooth multi-directional scrolling and full screen zoom provides you with the best possible view of the fight!

MIDI musical soundtrack: Kick-ass soundtrack that actually responds to the action! (And HUGE sprites!)

Stereo multi-channel digital effects: The sounds of bones crushing, flesh rending, and other fun stuff is delivered by high speed digital mixing with DSP effects, for maximum sonic impact.

Multi-player support: Beat the virtual crap out of your friends, loved ones, and co-workers!

Oh, yeah... Did we mention? HUGE sprites!
Slide show preview, 1995-12-23 [ add images ]
Screenshots originally published by Apogee Software in downloadable form and dated 23 December 1995.
Magazine Advertisements [ add images ]
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