”Let me introduce myself. I’m Pitfall Harry, veteran jungle explorer. Fortune hunting’s my game, and yours, too, if you’re daring enough to take this trip with me. Don’t be nervous; I’ll be your guide through the jungle, and I’m one of the best.
“Untold riches are waiting for us there, but so are dangers a dozen times over. We’ll be swinging on vines over bottomless tarpits. We’ll be hopping across swamps, using crocodile heads like stepping stones. We’ll be searching underground through dark passageways crawling with killer scorpions.
“So pack up your backpack and meet me at the jungle at dawn – and we’ll be off to seek a king’s ransom in gold, diamonds and lost treasures – in Pitfall Harry’s Jungle Adventure.
ATARI 2600 & Intellivision Back Covers
”Pitfall! is an outstanding creation.” - The Book of Atari Software Best Video Game Adventure - Electronic Games ”Completely innovative and original…” - Arcade Magazine 1983 Game of the Year - Video Games Player ”Destined to be a classic.” - Arcade Magazine
And now this classic of crocodile-infested swamps, menacing tar pits and priceless treasures comes to the Commodore 64!
Commodore 64 back cover
Danger lurks at every turn, as Pitfall by Activision brings a jungle no-man's land to life for your Intellivision. Jump into the shoes of Pitfall Harry, as he leads you on an incredible adventure in search of lost treasures. You'll race against time, through this hostile jungle, fighting off hungry crocodiles! Deadly snakes and scorpions! Treacherous tar pits and quicksand! Run, leap, swing from vines! And with any luck, you might even survive.
Intellivision brochure description
Pitfall Harry does it again! Adventure into the jungle with Activision's million seller, Pitfall! Swing through trees, forage through underground passageways - avoiding crocodiles, scorpions, and cobras - watch out for the pit! Now the video game adventure classic explores new territories.
Activision Catalog - Winter / Spring 1984
Pitfall Harry is breaking new ground for the ColecoVision system. Alone, he calls you you to help him find the forgotten treasure. Forage through the jungle avoiding crocodiles, scorpions, and cobras every dangerous step of the way. Jump over rolling logs, swing over tarpits, and climb into the dark underground. Join the Pitfall! expedition today!
Activision Catalog - Winter / Spring 1984 - (ColecoVision)
You can be Pitfall Harry anytime, anywhere on your Windows Phone 7. Swinging over quicksand, hopping across swamps--all the classic Atari 2600 action is right here in the palm of your hand. Can you earn the "Swinger" Achievement?
Windows Phone App Store description
P I T F A L L™
I'm Pitfall Harry and together we'll search the jungle for hidden treasures. But stay close, because we'll be facing crocodiles, tarpits, underground passages and countless other dangers in Pitfall!™
Back of Plastic Case - C64 (UK)
Contributed by jean-louis, Jeanne, Starbuck the Third, RKL.