🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City (Collector's Edition)

aka: Grim Legends 3: The Dark City, Grimmige Legenden 3: Die dunkle Stadt (Collector's Edition), Leggende deprimenti 3: The Dark City (Collector's Edition), Lendas de Grims 3: A Cidade das Sombras (Collector's Edition), Leyendas deprimentes 3: La Ciudad Oscura (Collector's Edition), Légendes Sombres 3: La ville Sombre (Collector's Edition), Mroczne Legendy 3: Miasto Cieni (Collector's Edition)
Moby ID: 86553

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May 29, 2018 Release
Published by: Artifex Mundi sp. z o.o.
Distributed by: Google LLC
Countries: flag Worldwide
Comments: Google Play release (v1.7)
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Releases contributed by jaXen.