The Sims
In this new strategy game from the creator of SimCity, you are in charge of a neighborhood of Sims and their life is in your hands. Create a family and build them a home. Then help your Sims pursue a successful career, earn lots of money, make friends, and find romance - or totally mess their lives up! There is no right or wrong way to play this game. However, you’ll put your “people skills” to the test as you deal with family, friends, careers, and chaos to help your Sims come out on top!
Unknown Source
You build their neighborhood. You run their lives!
The new game from the creator of Simcity!
Create your own neighborhood of Sims and customize their personalities, skills and appearance.
Let your Sims pursue any of 10 possible career paths, including acting, politics, and a life of crime.
Unprecedented character interactions let your Sims make friends, have conversations, fight, or fall in love.
Use the game's powerful architectural design tool to build an entire neighborhood of homes for your Sims.
Choose from over 150 different objects to furnish your homes and keep your Sims happy.
2000 EA Product Catalog
Create and control your own simulated people!
From Will Wright, the creator of SimCity, comes a new kind of strategy game that really hits close to home! Create an entire neighborhood of Sims and run or ruin their lives. Help them pursue careers, make friends and find romance-or see what happens when you make a complete mess of things! Open-ended gameplay gives you the freedom to set your own goals and chart your Sims' destiny. It is your neighborhood and they are your Sims. Whether they prosper or perish is up to you.
CREATE your Sims-Design their personalities, skills, and appearance.
CONTROL their lives-Guide your Sims' relationships and careers, for better or for worse.
BUILD their neighborhood-Move your Sims into a pre-built house or build your own from the ground up.
TELL their story-Create Sim Web pages with the push of a button and share your Sims with the world.
*Create dozens of original Sims or re-create yourself, your family, and your friends.
Design your Sims' homes and furnish them with over 150 unique items.
Watch your Sims live their lives without a sense of purpose...
...or take direct control to help them find happiness. "A simple stroke of genius"*
- Computer Gaming World
"The most intriguing game to come around since SimCity"
"One of the most original and highly anticipated titles in years"
- PC Gamer
Back of Box (U.S./Canada)
The Sims - What They Do With Their Life Is Up To You!
There is an entire neighborhood of Sims at your command to live out your wildest dreams or experience your worst nightmares. Help them live life in the fast lane or pursue a life of crime. Build them a sprawling mansion or a dilapidated shack. Let them party like swinging singles or fall in love, get married, and raise a family. It is up to you to decide - their fate is in your hands.
Create Your Own Sims!
Select everything from the look of their faces to the clothes on their backs.
Give each of your Sims their own unique personality that affects how they react to their environment and your commands.
Do you want a grumpy old man...
...or an outgoing debutante?
Whether it's a one-room bachelor pad or a grand 40-room mansion, use the game's powerful architectural design tool to build the home of your dreams for your Sims.
Choose your flooring, place the walls, paint the house, landscape the lawn-you're on your way to owning the envy of the neighborhood.
Hot tubs, swimming pools, pool tables, giant screen TVs-choose from over 150 different objects to furnish your homes and keep your Sims happy.
Live Interact with all of your creations-make friends, have conversations, compliment or insult your neighbors, fight or flirt with the girl next door, fall in love, get married, have children, or stay single and throw the party of the year.
Choose a career and guide your Sims well. They may ultimately become an astronaut, an award-winning actor, a criminal mastermind, an international spy, or even the Mayor of SimCity.
Inside Flaps (U.S./Canada)
You build there neighborhood. You run there lives!
From Will Wright, the creator of SimCity, comes a new game that puts you in charge of a neighborhood of Sims and lets you run -or ruin - their lives as you see fit. Create your simulated people and build them places to live. Then help your Sims pursue a succsessful career, earn lots of money, make friends, and find romance - or totally mess up their lives!
- Create your own neighborhood of Sims and customize their personalities, skills, and appearance.
- Let your Sims pursue any of 10 possible career paths, including acting, politics, and a life of crime.
- Unprecendented character interactions let your Sims make friends, have conversations, fight, of fall in love.
- Use the game's powerful architectural design tool to build an entire neighborhood of homes for your Sims.
Back of SimCity 3000 Unlimited Jewel Case
Brace Yourselves!
The Sims are coming to the PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system.
The #1 PC game of all-time makes its console debut. Create and control your Sims on the PlayStation 2 with new level-based game play and 3D graphics. Customize your SimÂ’s personality and appearance then move into the neighborhood. Get a job, make friends and advance through your career and life's big moments. Unlock new objects and bigger houses along the way. Meet, flirt and fight with a neighborhood full of wild characters. You can also load your Sims into a friendÂ’s game and play two-player games.
New PC game from the designer of SimCity lets players create simulated people and control their lives, careers and relationships**
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., February 4, 2000 - When the original SimCity was released in 1989, it changed the way people thought of and played computer games. In the power it concentrated at the keyboard, SimCity made big-city "mayors" out of ordinary citizens. It became one of the best selling PC games of all time by challenging players' intellect and creativity rather than their reflexes. Now Will Wright, the designer of SimCity, is set to change interactive entertainment again with his people simulator, The Sims , released today by Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS).
The Sims gives players the power to control the lives and relationships of a neighborhood of their own simulated people, known as "Sims." First, players give their Sims a unique appearance and personality. Players can create any imaginable character, maybe a sloppy jock, a shy bookworm, a playful child or a grumpy couch potato. Or they can recreate themselves, their friends and family. Players then move their Sims into a pre-built home or they can build their own from the ground up using the game's powerful architect mode.
Sims can fend for themselves, they won't just stand around waiting for the player's commands, but they live a much more interesting life with direction. Players can help their Sims find a job and then send them off to work to make money. Then they can take that money and buy furnishings for the house or build an addition. To be happy, Sims must maintain relationships with other Sims and have time for recreation. Players can instruct their Sims to throw a pool party, find romance or shoot hoops with the kids in the backyard.
The fate of a player's Sims, for better or worse, rests in the player's hands. As a simulation, there is no way to win The Sims. Players can force their Sims into a life of crime or help them live life in the fast lane. Build them a sprawling mansion or dump them into a dilapidated shack. Let them party like swinging singles or fall in love and experience the joys of parenthood. The game is like a sandbox where players can experiment, set their own goals and develop their own stories.
"We tried very hard to make this game intensively open-ended," said Wright. "Most players start by testing the limits of our simulation. They try to get them mad, overwork them, embarrass them and exhaust them. We needed to cover all these bases. There are also many aspects of human behavior that are expected that we had to include: love, hate, privacy, jealousy and so forth."
One of the game's most original features is the ability to use the game to tell stories that can be published on the Web. As a user plays the game, they enter "camera mode" and take snapshots of game scenes. These pictures are saved in a photo album along with their narrative comments. When you save the game, an HTML home page is generated for each family in the game that includes the scrapbook as well as other information about the home. The players can then directly upload these pages to the Web to show the world.
"When we were conducting early user testing, we found that players would begin telling stories about what was happening on screen," continued Wright. "We added the scrapbook and web publishing tool to encourage this story telling."
The Sims requires Windows 95 or greater and a 233Mhz or faster processor. The game supports Creative Labs' Environmental Audio technology with the company's Environmental Audio Extensions (EAX) API. Environmental Audio adds even greater audio realism to The Sims. The Sims is available in stores now for a suggested retail price of US$49.99. It may be ordered directly from the EA Store at or by calling 800-245-4525. Information on The Sims can be found on the Web at
Electronic Arts, headquartered in Redwood City, California, is the world's leading interactive entertainment software company. Founded in 1982, Electronic Arts posted revenues of more than $1.2 billion for fiscal 1999. The company develops, publishes and distributes software worldwide for personal computers and video game systems. Electronic Arts markets its products under eight brand names: Electronic Arts , EA SPORTS , Maxis , ORIGIN , Bullfrog Productions, Westwood Studios , Gonzo Games and Jane's Combat Simulations. More information about EA's products and full text of press releases can be found on the Internet at
Press Release - Windows
Live, Love, Laugh and Cry with The Sims’
In Sim City’ Will Wright gave you the power to build and control cities... with The Sims you can now enjoy the ultimate voyeuristic fantasy – creating and controlling people! Choose from a selection of pre-generated Sims or create your own (dys)functional family by distributing character points to each individual member. But be careful, because there are always trade-offs – a happy artist may be a bad cook or an energetic bachelor may have a terrible temper. To be happy, they have to maintain relationships with other Sims and have time for recreation. Invite others Sims over for a BBQ or entice new neighbours to move in next door. Who knows there may even be that special someone for your single Sims. Flirt and pursue a relationship. In the end, only you have the power to make your Sims truly happy.
FEATURES - Build the home of your dreams with powerful architectural design tools.
Create your own private paradise with landscaping tools
Buy hot tubs, swimming pools, lava lamps, pool tables, giant-screen TV's.
Over 150 different objects to furnish your homes and keep your Sims happy.
Live the lives of an endless variety of characters and families.
Follow a wide range of career paths.
Make friends, have conversations, insult neighbours, fall in love, have children.
Electronic Arts UK website - Windows
Dieses Spiel wird nicht mehr hergestellt.
In diesem neuen Strategiespiel von Will Wright, dem Schöpfer von SimCity, ist es Deine Aufgabe, eine Sim-Siedlung zu managen - ihr Leben liegt in Deiner Hand. Erstell eine Familie und bau ihr ein Haus. Dann hilf Deinen Sims, Karriere zu machen, Geld zu verdienen, Freunde zu finden und sich zu verlieben - oder bring ihr Leben total durcheinander! Bei diesem Spiel gibt es kein falsch und kein richtig. Doch Du stellst die Fähigkeiten Deiner Leute auf die Probe, indem Du sie den kleinen Katastrophen des Lebens aussetzt und sie mit vielen verschiedenen schwierigen und unterhaltsamen Alltagssituationen konfrontierst. Familie und Freunde, Karriere und Chaos - Du allein kannst Deinen Sims helfen, das alles zu überstehen!
Features - Bauen ... Verwende das hervorragende Architektur-Tool des Spiels, um Dein individuelles Traumhaus zu bauen. - Kaufen ... Wähle aus 150 verschiedenen Objekten zur Einrichtung des Hauses und mach Deine Sims damit glücklich. - Leben ... Wähle aus mehr als 10 vorgefertigten Familien oder erstelle Deine eigenen Sims, indem Du ihre Persönlichkeit, Fähigkeiten und ihr Aussehen gestaltest. - Laß Deine Sims eine von 10 verschiedenen Karrieren einschlagen. Sie können Astronauten, Schauspieler, Gangsterbosse oder Bürgermeister von SimCity werden. - Unbegrenztes, unendliches Gameplay ermöglicht Dir, über 30 spannende, realistische Situationen zu erleben, in denen sich Deine Sims weiterentwickeln und reifer werden.
Electronic Arts Germany website - Windows
Contributed by Rynok, JPaterson, Kartanym, Zovni, Xoleras, skl, Mullet of Death.