Panzer Dragoon Orta
Description official descriptions
The fourth installment of the Panzer Dragoon series has you playing Orta, a young girl who has been imprisoned by the Empire. Under a wave of attack, the prison camp is broken through by a mysterious dragon, and Orta takes it upon herself to ride the dragon, and destroy the Empire once and for all. Along the way, she will also discover her own destiny, and the mystery surrounding her new friend.
Simply put, you have limited control of the dragon for most of the game, as your trigger finger will be shooting non-stop at the enemies that fly around the area. Orta will be your main source of fire-power when you simply press the fire button, but by pressing and holding, the aim cursor will change, allowing you to fire a burst of power from the dragon at whatever the cursor aims at.
The dragon itself can change into three forms at a press of a button. Each form has a different style of attack and power ability.
A port of the original Panzer Dragoon is included.
Groups +
Credits (Xbox version)
209 People (191 developers, 18 thanks) · View all
COO Sega Europe | |
Director of Product Development | |
Assistant Producers | |
Senior Producer | |
Technical Producer | |
Product Manager | |
Commercial Manager | |
Sega Europe Localisation |
Special Thanks | |
Infogrames London | |
Infogrames Lyon | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 87% (based on 35 ratings)
Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 37 ratings with 4 reviews)
Xbox-exclusive AAA title - and largely overlooked
The Good
In the past 5 years, video gaming has gone in a more complex and lengthy direction. While this is a good thing, there is also a desire for fast, reflex-testing gameplay. Panzer Dragoon Orta fills that role like few other games can.
I don't want to call it "shallow", but PDO is definitely a visceral experience. It is a railed shooter, fast and furious. There aren't many pure shooters like this anymore, but this one would stand out even in a crowded genre. The Panzer Dragoon games are some of the genre's most heralded, and Panzer Dragoon Orta makes the series proud.
Your character, Orta, rides a dragon, while enemies attack from all angles. Using the L and R buttons, and the control stick, you shift your view 360 degrees and fire at waves of enemies. The game features some interesting targeting combos and other wrinkles to keep it from being purely "point and shoot", although that is much of the heart of the game. Bosses are huge, and being able to recognize patterns quickly will keep you alive.
I don't want to wait until the end of the review to mention this: Panzer Dragoon Orta features the original Panzer Dragoon game as an unlockable bonus. For me (and anyone else that doesn't have the Sega Saturn classic), this is a big selling point. It is unlocked after 5 hours of gameplay, or it can be unlocked immediately with a code.
The visuals and audio are stunning. It is games like this where the Xbox's muscle really puts the GameCube and PS2 to shame. In addition to some of the most gorgeous visuals to date, the Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound is wonderful. This game is definitely a treat, especially for the big TV and surround sound crowd.
Tying together the game's 10 episodes is a storyline that is more storied than most players might realize. While it is essentially ignorable, fans of the series - and post-apocalyptic worlds - will eat it up.
Panzer Dragoon Orta is a short game. It can be completed in around 3-4 hours. There are multiple paths through most stages, lending some replay value. Also, the inclusion of the original Panzer Dragoon adds some more great gameplay as well.
The Bad
Whether this is good or bad depends on your point of view - Panzer Dragoon Orta is HARD. It can challenge an experienced game player even on "easy" difficulty. The starting screen says that "normal" is right for most game players, but I think some PDO developers have a major sadistic streak. "Normal" mode will break the will and spirit of a casual gamer, and may even break some experienced gamers. For the real pros, there is "hard" difficulty, which I can almost not conceive.
For some people, it may be hard to justify the purchase of such a short game. It's a great experience and the replay value (both through the game proper and the PD bonus) is more than most games of this sort. Even still, this isn't a game that one will play for 15+ hours. It is definitely worth a rental for everyone, though.
The Bottom Line
Panzer Dragoon Orta is an amazing railed shooter game. Like any good throwback, it takes the best of old gameplay, adds some new wrinkles, and maxes out the aesthetic factor. Fans of the Panzer Dragoon series are required to buy it, and newcomers can enjoy 2 of the series' 3 games (not including the RPG, Panzer Dragoon Saga) in one package.
Xbox · by *Legion* (136) · 2003
Sadistically frantic shooter game
The Good
This game was challenging and frantic, but unlike most games described that way, I had a blast with it. It's the first and only game I can say I ever completed, in the sense that there's literally nothing left for me to do in it. I must say I like the feeling.
The music and graphics are awe-inspiring. The controls are easy to learn, but difficult to master. The learning curve is sadistic, but starts out easier than most games, so you can pick it up and have fun with it, but will have to sink more time into it than you will in most RPG's to really master it. This isn't quite as bothersome as it is in RPG's, since the game environments are, as said before, awesome and the graphics just as good. You can go through a level five times and still be astounded. Very few games have that.
Oh, and the unlockables are cool.
The Bad
The learning curve was sadistic. Even on easy it took me several tries to finish even the second level. On hard I couldn't even finish the first level on my first try.
The story is underdeveloped. I would really like to know more about the backstory of this game, but it doesn't say all that much. Sure, there's an extensive dictionary unlockable (piece by piece) in the extra stuff section, but that's not nearly as good as discovering things within the game itself.
Watch out for the second level. It has one very difficult sequence. This is an odd placement for one of the hardest points in the game, being so close to the start.
My last complaint is how much punishment some "normal" enemies can take. The really toughly armored ones are not usually very dangerous, but this seems like an artificial way to prevent someone from getting a better score.
The Bottom Line
Simply awesome action game. Easy to pick up, and doesn't have any of the murderously impossible segments that so plague other games of the genre. The difficulty, I'd have to say, is almost illusory - you don't notice it within the game itself. In other games, you get stymied. In this one, you finish the level, THEN you realize how insane the difficulty had been.
Xbox · by Nathan Pannbacker (34) · 2005
The Good
Panzer Dragoon Orta is the Fourth game in the Panzer Dragoon Series since Team Andromeda is no more the game is developed by Smilebit the amazing company that brought us great games such as Jet Grind Radio, and Gunvalkyrie. In case there’s any fan of the old afraid of Smilebit’s new direction simply put don’t be it’s every bit as good as the original games. Oddly enough Smilebit made a better sequel to this series than their own case in point Jet Set Radio Future.
You play as Orta a girl who is being kept prison by the empire and a dragon comes to free her you escape and try to stop the empire it plays just like the first and second and Panzer Dragoon there are nods to the original like a Azel costume and in a level of the game you are in a sort of memory fault and you hear the line the mysterious rider from the original you gives you the dragon as another bonus to fans of the original the first Panzer Dragoon is unlockable not all levels are you flying in one snow level your dragon’s wings are damaged and has to run And also heads up to the impatient gamer when you beat the game a more complete ending is shown after the credits and gives more closure.
The Bad
What was bad? Not much really the final boss is pretty tough considering how the rest of the game is easier.
The Bottom Line
If you loved the original games you will not be disappointed if you’re just looking for a action game to play you’ll probably enjoy it plus its cheap these days.
Xbox · by Classic Nigel (108) · 2006
1001 Video Games
Panzer Dragoon Orta appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
The game was developed by Smilebit and most of the SEGA team that worked on the previous Panzer Dragoon titles had already left the company. Kentaro Yoshida returned to SEGA partly to ensure the continuity of the series, and to work along with the director who had already worked on Panzer Dragoon Saga.
The original Panzer Dragoon (based on the PC updated version) is included as unlockable extra.
Version differences
According to the magazine gamesTM (issue #34), all Japanese copies include a hidden English-language option that's automatically selected when playing on a Western Xbox with a mod chip.
- GameSpy
- 2003 – Upholding the Legacy Award (Xbox)
Information also contributed by Macintrash and Sciere
Related Sites +
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Official Bilingual Website (Japanese & English)
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Kartanym.
Xbox 360 added by Matthias GĂĽnl. Xbox One, Xbox Series added by Eufemiano Bullanga.
Additional contributors: Indra was here, Patrick Bregger, FatherJack.
Game added February 27, 2003. Last modified July 16, 2024.