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Gang Beasts

Moby ID: 84805

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Windows credits (2014)

566 people (168 professional roles, 398 thanks) with 573 credits.


Character and Environment Assets James Brown, Jon Brown, Michael Brown, Jason Pugh, Matt Thomas
Merchandising and Education Jemma Pugh


Boneloaf Matt Thomas, Daniella Sasaki, Moka Only, Jessica De Bhrun-Smith, Kitt Dale, Michael Brown, Jon Brown, James Brown, Angela Brown

Former Boneloaf

Former Boneloaf Jason Pugh, Jemma Pugh

Sound & Music

Sound & Music Adam Drucker ("Doseone"), Robert Larder


Chief Architect Simon Launder
Chief Creative Officer Paul Crabb
Chief Executive Officer Tom Beardsmore
Chief Operating Officer Eddie Beardsmore
Community Manager Kal Holmes
Producers Sophie Smart, Nick Alex Taylor
Programmers Scott Canfield, Robert Jones, Chris McMath, Preston Philips, Joshua Stevenson, Liam Wilson, Matheus Steck Cardoso
PR Manager Jack Sanderson
Senior Programmer Calum Haigh
Technical Art Director Torger Nærland
3D Artist Bryn Morrison-Elliott

Robot Teddy

Robot Teddy Callum Underwood, Ranjani Natarajan, Flip Velez


Senior Software Development Consultants Andy Bastable, Mathieu Burton, Grant Clarke, Andrew Glass, Victor Lui
Lead Software Development Consultants Claire Hall, Ashley Hogg, Tim Jenks
Senior Technical Art Consultants Richard Harrington, Javier Martinez, Jacob Andersen
Senior Project Manager Josh Fuller
Software Developer Relations Managers Mariano Santangelo, Liz Mercuri
Senior Business Development Manager Alan Popejoy
Senior Sales Account Executive Morrissey Williams


Character Technical Directors Don Fergus, Daryn Olson
Chief Executive Officer Paul Culp
Chief Operating Officer Peter Lund
Executive Producer Greg Savoia
Programmers Julius Jockusch, Yori Kvitchko
UI Artist Will Houng
3D Art Modeler Hector Reyes Jr.
3D Modelers Alexandria Condon, Robert Fink, Nathan Lange, Cody Sauer

Purewal & Partners

Partner Jas Purewal
Trainee Solicitor Isabel Davies


Developer Andrew Montgomery-Hurrell
Director of Digital Paul Manuel
Finance Relationship Manager Gemma Rye
Global Account Manager Mike Wilkinson
Head of Business Development Tom Daniel
Head of Product Will Lowther
Lead Integrations Engineer Curt Anderson
Lead Solutions Engineer Larry Rye
Marketing Manager Chris Williams
Swim Team Captain Matthew Morris
Systems Engineers Jack Wass, Elliot Waterman
Technical Account Managers Jonny Hughes, Stuart MacFarlane
Technical Operations Lead Michael Assis
Technical Operations Ryan Assis, Kevin Baker, Zak Feneck, Kritian Jackson, Jack Tovey

Radical Forge

Technical Artist Bruce Slater

Keywords Studios

Certification Lead Essi Ruuska
Certification Manager Alexander Stokes
CQA Testers Kaitlin Kuhn, SuzyDianne Morin, Cedric Picard, Louis-Philippe Potvin, Alan Richardson
FQA Director Mathieu Lachance
FQA Manager Detroit Burns
FQA Project Manager Eric Say Chan
FQA Test Lead Timothy Richardson
FQA Testers Guillaume Benguerel, Geoffrey Boom, Marcus Crosby, Terry Hamman, Vanessa Harnois Savage, Michelle Lamontagne, Mourad Louali, Joey McKinnon, Elijah Salcedo, Michael Sargent, Alexandra Schizas, Abderrahmane Tebbal, Martin Thibault, Alexander Wong
Localization Manager Reiko Oehlenberg
Localization Project Manager Sebastien Mazzerbo
LQA Manager Michaël Cartier
LQA Project Manager Tobias Roeper
LQA Test Lead Davi Almeida de Souza
LQA Testers Persio Frangetto, Jean-Noël Guenot, Louisa Komninos, Raquel Maestre, Simone Toccacieli
Network Performance Senior Kostantinos Andreou
Network Performance Testers Simon-David Blanchette, Marion Dupinet, Djamil Francis, Alexander Kerry, Christopher Korah, Olivier Papineau, James Poston, Vlad Sporea, David Thimineur
Vice President of Sales Stephen Wickes

2 Player Productions

Director of Photography Asif Siddiky
Director of Video Content Paul Owens
Producer Paul Levering


Technical Artist Jason Coffi
Senior Programmer Björn von der Osten
Chief Executive Officer Sebastian Bulas

Xbox One Testing

Certification Lead Dimitri Katsaros
Certification Testers John Aquin, Holly King, Kermit Szeto
Associate Lead Kostantinos Andreou, Olivia Baddeley
Testers Albert Lu, Jonathan Vidinha, Dylan Ottoni, Kevin Fillipponi, Ryan Tepper, Julie Serrano

Sony Interactive Entertainment America LLC

Lead Technical Producer, Third Party Production John Sanders
Release Manager Derek E. Pipal
Senior Account Support Manager, Developer Relations Shane Bettenhausen
Senior Director, Third Party Production and Developer Relations Gio Corsi


- The development of Gang Beasts was funded with Early Access sales and support from Sony Interactive Entertainment America LLC, Oculus VR LLC, and Sam Read., Sam Read, Boneloaf has received promotional and technical support from the Gang Beasts community and partners at Affect Group, Coatsink, Double Fine Productions, Humble, Keywords Studios, Marshall Media, Multiplay, Radical Forge, Oculus, Purewal & Partners, Sony, SuperGenius, Valve, and 2 Player Productions., Gang Beasts has had exceptional support from the Gang Beasts community, the Twitch and YouTube communities, gaming event organisers, attendees, volunteers, and the Gaming Press., Thank you for your time, patience, support and friendship., Punch your hearts out., Jiggly Boneloaf is Life.

Lost of Love to Double Fine Productions

President and Chief Executive Officer Tim Schafer
QA Manager Tony Lo
Release Manager Victor Romero
Senior Communications Manager James Spafford
VP of Business Development Greg Rice
VP of Development Caryl D. Shaw

Special Thanks from Boneloaf and Partners

Special Thanks Jon Brown ("Father"), A Maze., Dan Adams, Dan Adelman, Alistair Aitcheson, Zeena Al-Obaidi, Hassan Ali Almaci, Miguel Alva, Alex Amsel, Animex and Animex Volunteers, AmyLee33, Anna The Red, Joachim Ante, Eduardo Aparicio, Emanuel Araújo, Amy Ash, Ashdubh, Pat Ashe, Bethany Aston, Georg Backer, Babycastles, Aaron Baker, Sean Baptiste, Simon Barratt, Bit Bash, Robin Baumgarten, Leanne Bayley, Olly Bennett, Andrew Bennison, Nicolae Berbece (Xelu), Debbie Bestwick, Tom Betts, Big Red Barrel, Benson Bones, Tom Boot, Andy Borrell, Brandon Boyer, Bristol Video Games Social, Angela Brown, Irene Grandene Brown, Kate Bryant, George Buckenham, Ryan Burrell, Zuraida Buter, Rose Butler, Adam Offord Buxton, Razvan Calin, Kitty Calis, John Candy, Simon Carless, Vinny Caravella, Jon Carnage, Carl Cavers, Éric Chahi, Eric Chan, Chris Charla, Russ Clarke, Sara Cluggish, Tyler Cooper, Leaf Corcoran, Andrew Crawshaw, Rex Crowle, Simon Cubasch, CultureTECH, Barney Cumming, Carri Cunliffe, Dad³, Ciaran Daly, Aaron Davies, Katie Davies, Adriaan de Jongh, David Dino, Erick De La Rosa, Jessica De Bhrun-Smith, Julien Deblois, Hannes Devillé, Thomas Devillé, The Digital City, Dajana Dimovska, Phi Dinh, Mike Diver, docontract.com, dodistribute.com, dopresskit.com, dotoolkit.com, Michelle Ducker, Nick Dymond, Oliver Eberlei, Gamer's Edition, Richard Edwards, EGX, E3, George Engebakken, Diana Entwistle, Daniel Ernst, Alx Esh, European Innovative Games Showcase, EVO, Roel Ezendam, Chet Faliszek, Fangamer, Fantastic Arcade, Jane Faram, Feral Vector, Simon Ferrari, Joshua Fields, Jamie Finch, Tom Finney, First Play Game Jam, Philippe Poisson, Flappy Jam, Christopher Floyd, Jess Floyd, Marie Foulston, Richard Franke, Friend Zone, Ashley Gallegos, GAMAYO, Game Bridge, Game Republic, GameCamp, GameCinema, Games Britannia, Games by the Sea, Gamescom, gamesweekberlin, The Gang Beasts Elites, GBUD, Natalie Gausden, GDC, GDC Europe, Jeff Gerstmann, Giant Bomb, Gib Chunder I and II, Glumcake, Go 8-bit, GoPlayThat, Tom Giardino, Thom Glunt, Hunter Golden, Julija Golubeva, Rachel Gomez, Chloe Goodchild, Tony Greenan, Evan Greenwood, Jeannine Griffin, Thomas Grip, Kristin Guomundsdottir, Ashley Gwinnell, Ricky Haggett, Matthew Hansen, Daniel Harmon, Judith Harry, Hat Films, John Hayes, David Hayward, Nick Haywood, Julie Heyde, Lee Hickey, Jon Hicks, Kish Hirani, Dick Hogg, Jonathan Holmes, Kal Holmes, Jason Holtman, Mike Holton, Sjors Houkes, The House of Indie, Maria Hume, Sophie Humphries, Robin Hunicke, Jayne Hyman, Hypespotting, iam8bit, IGF, Indie Arena Booth, Indie MEGABOOTH, IndieBox, IndieCade, indiedb.com, Insomnia, Rami Ismail, itch.io, Imre Jele, iVexusHD, Jonnie Jenkin, Domonik Johan, Alex Johansson, Nathan John, Daley Eve Johnson, Nick Johnson, JOIN, Ben Jones, Jukio Kallio, Jacob Keane, Milo Keeble, Kyle Keller, Gabrielle Kent, The Killer Bits, Seth Killian, Savanna Kochell, Kinda Funny Games, Robert Kinder, Anna Kipnis, Patrick Klepek, Brandi Kobayashi, Brent Kobayashi, The KO_OP Gang, Lau Korsgaard, Felix Kramer, Trent Kusters, Rob Lach, Mat Lambert, Fee Laming, Elspeth Lawson, Jess Lea DeNardo, John Leather, Jeremy Lee, Leftfield Collection, Rachael Leigh Cook, John Li, Alice Liang, Gisa Lima, David Lloyd, Gary Lloyd, Henrike Lode, Loading Bar, localmultiplayer.com, Nigel Lowrie, Luchadeer, ludumdare.com, Keza MacDonald, Augie Maddox, Sydney Mantrom, Albert Marshall, Peter Martin, Martin Mathiesen Kvale, Neil McKenna, Steve McNeil, Bram Michielsen, James Monkman, Katie Morrison, Chloe Mortensen, Stuart Morton, Mudlark, MULTICLASH, Jeremy N'Dure, Sarah-Jayne N'Dure, The National Videogame Arcade, Josh Naylor, Nerd³, Netty Plays, Emily Newton Dunn, Lily Nishita, Thomas Noppers, Update Show, Dara Ó Briain, Paul O'Rourke, Alice O'Connor, C. Henrique Olifiers, David OReilly, Sam Pamphilon, Edd Parris, PAX Boston, PAX Prime, PAX Rumble, Andrew Payne, Oliver Peacock, Kathryn Penny, David Perry, Markus Persson, Richard Pieterse, Lorenzo Pilia, Kris Piotrowski, Playful, promoterapp.com, John Gavin Polson, Pop up Arcade, Eric Pope, Gregory Povey, Kitty Powers, Press Fire to Win, Phillip Profitt, William Pugh, Purple, Radius Festival, Richard Ram, JUEGOS RANCHEROS, Stephen Raney, Samuel Read, Siobhan Reddy, Malcolm Reed, Christine Reimer, Ren, Replay Events, Matt Rice, Guy Richards, Alex Roberts, Justin Roiland, Horatiu Roman, Matthew Rorie, David Rosen, Daniel Rosenfeld, Ruan Rothmann, Adam Saltsman, Kellee Santiago, Daniella Sasaki, Rachel Schafer, Vincent Scheurer, Sara Schmetterling, Screenshake, Jennifer Schneidereit, Kate Seago, Jamie Sefton, Jenna Seiden, Chris Seitz, Dario Seyb, Shark Jam, Sheffield Makers and Hackers, Shindig, Brad Shoemaker, Laura Sillars, Sips, Site Gallery, Kris Skellorn, Bruce Slater, Nathan Smalles, Chuck Smith, Randy Smith, Sos Sosowski, Thorsten Storno, Stumpt, Graeme Struthers, Keith Stuart, Matt Styles, Amarisse Sullivan, Johanna Summers, Super Friendship Arcade, Super Warehouse Gaming Party, SuperHi, Nick Suttner, Lex Suurland, Sophie Swan, Gareth Swann, Rebecca Sweetmore, SXSW, Stephen Tate, team110, Tentacle Collective, Jay Tholen, Philip Tibitoski, tigsource.com, Adrian Tingstad Husby, Tiny Missile, Richard Tongeman, Tomohawk, Johan Toresson, Andy Touch, Alex Trowers, Alex Tutty, UberHaxorNova, Anders W. Ugland, Callum Underwood, Ed Valiente, Jonatan Van Hove, Rick Van Ginkel, Ruben Van Rooij, Nathan Vella, Terri Vellmann, VR Umbrella, Sheila Wadsworth, Adriel Wallick, Kelly Wallick, Pendleton Ward, Neil Webb, Paul Webb, Matthew Wegner, Christopher White, Wiley Wiggins, Sarah Williamson, Wild Rumpus, Jan Willem Nijman, Morrissey Williams, Jonathon Wilson, Josh Winward, Kenneth Wong, James Woodhouse, Wuss, Anthony Yakovlev, The Yogscast, Yorkshire Games Festival, Kenneth C. M. Young, Kirsty Young, Shaz Yousafvolun, Anthony Yu, Xilubez, Mariam Zakarian, Alan Zucconi


Gang Beasts is made with Unity, NVIDIA PhysX
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Credits contributed by Sciere, SubSane.