🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Casper and the Ghostly Trio

aka: Casper e il Trio dei Fantasmini, Casper e o Trio Fantasmagorico, Casper en het Geestige Trio, Casper et le Trio Fantôme, Casper i upiorne trio, Casper und die Drei Gespenster, Casper y el Trio Fantasmal
Moby ID: 82312

Tech Specs/Attributes +

PlayStation 2 +

Media Type:
Controller Types Supported:
Number of Offline Players:
Save Game Methods:

Memory Card: 41 KB

Attributes contributed by Hipolito Pichardo, Flapco.

Ratings +

PlayStation 2 +

PEGI Rating:
USK Rating:
ACB Rating: (Mild Fantasy Violence)

Ratings contributed by Hipolito Pichardo, Flapco, Victor Vance.