Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: 6th Edition

aka: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?: 10th Anniversary Special Edition
Moby ID: 81799

DVD Player screenshots

The title screen has not been altered to show this is a special anniversary edition, that's left to Chris Tarrant to explain in the game's introduction
After the introductory music and title screen the host, Chris Tarrant, appears to explain the two game modes
The Game Mode selection screen has an animated background
One of the show's special games.<br>This is the first person to play, Graham Elwell, he won £64,000. After the video sequence the players are asked the same questions he was
A sample question.<br>The screen has been adapted to accept input from any of the players
Note: There is no single player option
Players still have a lifeline in this game, it's just presented differently
Here just the junior player remains in the game
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