Real Football 2016
Moby ID: 81025
[ Android ] [ J2ME ]
J2ME credits (2015)
85 people (84 professional roles, 1 thanks) with 88 credits.
Real Football 2016 |
Copyright | All logos and brands features in this game are trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. |
HQ Producer | Alexandre Guichard |
Studio Manager | Andrei Vladimir Lascu |
Production Manager | Cristian Mihai Chitu |
Local Producer | Tyas Djatmiko |
Studio Lead Programmer | Aditya Hadi |
Project Lead | Hernawan Lee |
Supervising Programmers | Feri Setiyawan, Shendy Prasetyo, Arif Rosyidi |
Programmers | Raditya Binawan (credited as Raditya ltonk Binawan), Riza Arianto, Benny Irawan, Septian Adiya, Indra Adidaya, Nedy Muhammad, Tri Wuladani, Wahyu Arzani (hyu), Kharisma Wardhana, Herpinto Setiawan, Mutaqin Akbar |
Studio Lead Game Design | Oscar Paskaruniawan |
Game Design Supervisor | Yovi Wahyu |
Game Designers | Doddy Yen Nuryanto, Ikhsan Wakhida, Neny Sukijan Yanuari (zoeq-jane), Gusti Hardriyansyah |
Studio Lead Artist | Retno Kusumawati |
Art Supervisor | Yokho Wibisono |
Artists | Asti Prihardian (atito), Andi Trianta, Septianto Wahyu |
QA Manager | Madek Widodo |
QA Project Manager | Ananta Rizky |
QA Lead | Herfin Agustiantoro (IMBA) |
QA Testers | Yogi Yudistira (as Yogi Yudhistira), Dicky Pratama, Stephanus Irawan, Matheo Kenji, Yosi Adhitama, Michael Sunhaki, Hafni Madewa, Iqbal Hanif, Nur Tristiadhi, Galih Santosa, Fajar Adi Nugroho, Akida Pratama, Sri Yaniwati, Rani Puspitasari, Deharna Romdana, Adi Purnatama, Hilal Mustofa, Tito Wibisono, Andi Febriyanto, Fajrul Falach |
Audio Director | Jorge Peirano |
Music Composers | Martin Courcy (credited as Martin Coucy), Nicolas Dubé |
Sound Designer | Scott Shaw |
Mass Port Adaptation | Nicolas Arsenault, François Suter |
Lead Sound Technician | Tran Nhat Thai Tung |
Sound Technicians | Tran Nhat Thai Tung, Nicolas Arsenault, François Suter, Qui Tran Trong, Ishari Sahida |
World Audio Technical Manager | Ulrich Frantz |
SEA Sound Coordinator | Albertus Andrianto |
Sound QA Lead | Harristhomas Nugroho (Puss) |
Sound QA Testers | Arya Wicaksana, Dyon Otria, Onny Hermawan (Fonk Sa Yuk), Yoga Soelistiyo, Samuel Damartika, Istafada Roshadi |
Localisation Manager | Alexis Green-Painchaud |
Localisation Coordinators | Alicia Buffa, Fred Leung, Marianne Marcel, Catherine Boudreault |
Mobile Division Manager | Philip Bouchet |
Special Thanks | Arinto Wibowo |
Uses Droid Arabic Kufi | Copyright 2010 Google Corporation, Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 |
Copyright© 2012 by | Peter Wiegel, Open font under terms of following Free Software licenses, GPL [General Public License] with Font-Exception and OFL |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Midnight Pool 4, a group of 61 people
- Little Big City 2, a group of 49 people
- Dungeon Hunter: Curse of Heaven, a group of 43 people
- Asphalt: Nitro, a group of 43 people
- Real Football 2018, a group of 40 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Alexis Green-Painchaud on 315 other games
- Fred Leung on 284 other games
- Alicia Buffa on 277 other games
- Ulrich Frantz on 243 other games
- Jorge Peirano on 134 other games
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Credits contributed by Sciere.