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Final Approach

aka: Approche Finale, Final Approach: Designer and Library of approach plates for Flight Simulators
Moby ID: 80862

Windows 16-bit screenshots

The title screen
Starting off by selecting an airport. The player first selects the geographical area, (USA, Europe or Other) and then searches for the airport they want
The approach plate for the Paris Le Touquet airport together with all the buttons that open editing functions. This is the profile view, there's also a Map view
A few navigation points have been edited in but one is incorrect and is being removed. Instead of 'Click+delete' the program numbers the items and uses a scroll bar to select it
The approach plates can be customised to use the symbols employed in real world maps
Approach plans have two viewpoints, this is the Map view of the plan previously seen in Profile mode
The approach to London heathrow
In the flight simulator the player pauses their flight, here we're in a bit of a spin over the sea, and saves their current state as a new situation called SLOWDESC
Having selected an airport the player specifies a position, an altitude and a heading. The program then calculates the approach and writes the information to a previously created situation file
Back in the flight simulator there are now two 'slow descent' files, one is the original saved situation while FINAPP is a renamed version of the Final Approach created situation
Back in the simulator with the Final Approach situation loaded and our new location is exactly as specified, and for some reason it is now night time
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