Dragon Warrior II
Starting in February 1991, a contest being held by Enix America was being advertised. The player had to complete Dragon Warrior II and send in a photo of themselves standing by the final screen. They also had to supply their detailed impressions of the game. Between February and May the 20 best write-ups each month were to win one of the five different prizes being offered. One monthly first place prize was a statue of Gold Man, three second place prizes were the Jailers key and Watergate Key, four third place prizes were gold and silver keys, six fourth place prizes were a cloth displaying the armor from the first three games, and six fifth place prizes was a cloth displaying the weapons from the first three games. In May, the 24 best overall write-ups sent in throughout the contest were to be selected and the authors were to be rewarded with a pre-release copy of Dragon Warrior III and a chance to provide feedback about the game.
Trivia contributed by Alaka.