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VR Slingshot

aka: Advanced VR Slingshot
Moby ID: 80677

Tech Specs/Attributes +


Business Model:
Minimum CPU Class Required:
Sound Devices Supported:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:
Number of Online Players:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

To get going, you should have a 486 or better with an analog joystick (with or without throttle). And sound. Get sound. Beg, borrow, or commandeer a Soundblaster or Pro Audio sound card. And some way, somehow -- you owe it to your ears to get stereo headphones so you can hear the vipercraft coming up behind and sweeping past you. Most 486's should give you decent play speed. If you upgrade to Stereo 3D LCD shutter glasses, you'll probably want a 486/66mz or a Pentium.

Attributes contributed by piltdown_man.