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Universe Sandbox

aka: Universe Sandbox Legacy
Moby ID: 80592

Windows credits (2008)

78 people (50 professional roles, 28 thanks) with 81 credits.


Design Dan Dixon
Art Dan Dixon
Programming Dan Dixon

Software Libraries & Code

Truevision3D, 3D Engine Sylvain Dupont, John Hart, Arli Mujkic
SQUID GUI System, User Interface System Christian Herold
Newton Game Dynamics, Bounce Mode Physics Julio Jerez
wyDay Software, Update system / Project Key System Wyatt Day
Khrona Software, Web Engine Adam Simmons
IonStar Studios, Lighting Shaders & Code Georg Steinröhder
Image Processing Framework AForge.NET


Law of Universal Gravitation, Equiation That Makes It All Work Isaac Newton
Gravity Simulator, Orbital Elements & Lagrange Formulas Tony Dunn
Urania Source, Astronomy Calculations & Conversions Serge Meunier
EuclideanSpace, Rotation Conversions Martin Baker


Horizons System, Planet & Moon positions and velocities JPL / NASA
Star and Exoplanet Database, Additional Star Database NStED
Astronexus, Original Star Database David Nash
Berkeley University, Gamma-Ray Burst Locations Daniel Perley
Wikipedia, Concepts, Information, References Wikipedia Team
What color are the stars?, Star Color Values Mitchell Charity


Milky Way Panorama, Background image of the Milky Way Axel Mellinger
Cassini Mission, Images of Saturn & Rings Cassini-Huygens Team
Galileo Mission, Images of Jupiter Galileo Team
Voyager Mission, Images of Neptune & Uranus Voyager Team
Textures, Maps of Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Callisto, Mimas, Ganymede, Europa Björn Jónsson
Textures, Map of Mercury James Hastings-Trew


Steam, Distribution via Steam Valve Software


Marketing StumbleUpon, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, and many others...

Additional Contributions, Libraries, Code & Software

AwesomiumDotNet, .NET Wrapper for Awesomium Web Engine Andres Traks
Custom MessageBox, Customizable messagebox labels Sijin Joseph
DotNetZip Library, UBOX compression & extraction Cheeso & Jaans
libnoise.xna [based on libnoise], Procedural Texture Creation Big Black Block Team
SlimDX, In-memory texture conversion SlimDX Team
Cadenza Interactive, .NET Wrapper for Steam Spencer Roberts, Matt Enright
Assistance with splines & Shader inspiration Renaud Bédard
Screensaver Controls, Disabling the Screensaver Kurt Schulz
Mouse Hooks, Mousewheel hook when in hardware fullscreen mode George Mammaladze
Atmosphere model & surface temperature consulting Naomi Goldenson
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Integrated Development Environment Visual Studio Team
Microsoft .NET Framework, Core Software Framework .NET Team
[email protected], Historical spacecraft simulations Richard Andersson
Additional Resources Code Project, Stack Overflow, developer Fusion

Special Thanks

Special thanks For my mom and dad who made this all possible..., Peggy Dixon, Jim Dixon, Patrick Dixon, Cristin Carey, Milton Dixon, Brittney Dixon, Naomi Goldenson, Mark Shoemaker, Laura Dubuk, Jason Heaton, Patrick Moynihan, Ryan Spain, Ben Lower, Aaron Lower, Grady Jenkins, Bach Payson, Jonathan Hoy, Scott Schirmer, Isaac Barry, Nancy Beckman, Adrienne Massanari, Gina Keppel, Jacob Landon, Chris Q., Nicholas W., Mikkel Tang, Matt Nickerson


Universe Sandbox Copyright © 2011 Giant Army LLC &, Dan Dixon
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Credits contributed by Kennyannydenny.