Street Fighter II: Champion Edition

aka: Street Fighter II', Street Fighter II' Plus: Champion Edition, Street Fighter II': Champion Edition, Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition
Moby ID: 8053

Genesis version

Are you Ken? No? Well get out of my way!

The Good
SCE. Special. Well, this wasn't the first time I'd played Street Fighter before. I had played the original arcade and eventually, the version of Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. However, this was far superior. Smoother gameplay, greater depth and more characters. It still plays like a dream today. I wish that more games were of this ilk. Yet, few are.

My favourite character was always Ken. Not sure why, perhaps because he was similar to Ryu but wore red. Plus, my mate was always Ryu so couldn't be him. However, my favourite music was and still is Ryu's stage. Most of the music was good, but that stood out for me.

Heck this game is still a great leveller. You got something to settle. Stick SF2: SCE on and slug it out. No problem. It still works.

It's still thought of as a benchmark title, which is some accomplishment after 12 or so years. 2D beat-em-ups don't get much better than this & will not last as long as this.

The Bad
There are some lame characters but heck that's not the point.

The Bottom Line
If you've not played it yet, get a copy. Challenge your mates, play single player mode, just play it.

by Liam Dowds (39) on May 15, 2005

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